Joomla! Extensions Directory - Browsers & Web Standards

- Browsers & Web Standards

Browser Update Warning

Browser Update Warning

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
Set (and optionally require) minimum browser versions for your site. Using this plugin, you can display a warning message that the users browser is outdated, along with a suggestion that they update (or install) a browser that meets your requirements. Using this plugin, you can choose minimum version numbers for the major browsers. These are the browsers supported by this plugin: Internet Expl...
System - Content Security Policy
Paid download

System - Content Security Policy

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
The System - Content Security Policy plugin(s) bring this much needed security functionality to Joomla. The fun doesn't stop there - this set of plugins also implements the report-uri feature of the CSP. You can capture your own csp-report via the included AJAX plugin, and have it sent to you nightly using the included CLI script. If you want to browse the data - the AJAX plugin offers a handy...


By ProVision.1
Browsers & Web Standards
Optimize your Joomla! website for devices using Apple's Safari browser! Simply add touch icons, pinned tab icon and startup images with this plugin. Since Apple is continuously enlarging their product portfolio, it's really hard to take care of all screen resolutions and offer a matching touch icon or startup image. The implementation of required meta tags and the upload of images can be a pain....
Do Not Track

Do Not Track

By Michael Richey
Browsers & Web Standards
The problem with Do Not Track is that site owners and services ignore it. Be part of the solution - implement Do Not Track and make the web a better place. For those who don't know what Do Not Track is all about, please refer to this site: http://donottrack.us/ This plugin detects the Do Not Track browser setting and adds or removes a Joomla Access Level based on that setting. Components, Mod...
KC Old Browser Warning

KC Old Browser Warning

By abhijeet Kurchania
Browsers & Web Standards
KC Old browser system plugin give warning for using out-dated browser will be informed by a little, undisturbing bar, that his browser is not up-to-date and it is recommended to update The user will be notified only once, and won't be bothered any more. The notification bar is very small and won't affect the browsing experience negatively. user can adjust the time of the notification or if he want...