Joomla! Extensions Directory - Design - Page 36

- Design

Pretty Masthead

Pretty Masthead

By Tom van der Laan / TLWebdesign
A masthead module to display an image with text and description on top of it. Features - Default masthead settings - Per menu-item masthead settings - Set image, title and description - Set your own H? tag for the title per masthead. - Set your own classes for the title and description spans to style the text - Set alignment (left, center, right) - Single Article Masthead; when you have a catego...
IWS.BY Ticker
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IWS.BY Ticker

IWS.BY Ticker - a module that allows you to add animated Ticker to the site with a text message, a list of links and a list of pictures. Main features of the module: Support for Joomla 3, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5. A simple module that adds an animated ticker to the site. Three options for displaying data: text message, list of links and list of images The «Links list» mode supports an unlimited...
CG SkillSet

CG SkillSet

By conseilgouz
CG Skill Set (from abandoned JD SkillSet 1.7) Add counters display to your website....
Responsive Viewporter

Responsive Viewporter

By AbeAlpha
Responsive Viewporter is a module that helps you to test, debug and present your responsive website designs. Allows user interfaces adapted to the environment through structures and fluid images. Quickly change your viewport dimensions with the viewport resizer to test your responsive design. How to use: Install the module ---> assign a position ---> assign to pages to display ---> Module style...
Ruxin Custom Scrollbar
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Ruxin Custom Scrollbar

By RuxinCode
Ruxin Custom Scrollbar is a Joomla plugin that turns the default scrollbar into a modern, beautiful scrollbar - Possibility of use in site and administrator section - Ability to define scrollbar width - Ability to define color and gradient - Ability to change the scroll speed - Supports horizontal and vertical scrolling - Ability to set with element ID or class - Ability to customize scrollbar set...
Rapi Equalizer
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Rapi Equalizer

By RapiCode
Equal Height (Equalizer) The best way to solve the problem of unequal divisions height in a row . For each plugin, create up to five class or ID. assign created class/ID to your desired division. also choose to be applied in each menu. Also You can enable/disable loading jQuery library....