
Captcha, Spam Protection, Contact forms, Accessibility, Forms

Keep your forms spam free with user friendly Captcha alternatives.
No user action required · GDPR-friendly

This captcha plugin uses well known anti-spam tests that do not require
user action:

  • minimum fillout time
  • bot trap

This way you can protect your website from spam bots with methods that are
better for website usability and accessability than Captchas.
These methods are included within the extension and do not rely on external
services - therefore it is GDPR-friendly.

Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard is easy to use and configure:
Enable the plugin, configure your preferred methods and select
Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard in Joomla's global configuration dialog as
default Captcha.

Bisher noch keine Spams über das Kontaktformular, obwohl schon ein paar "angeklopf" haben.
Ease of use
Installation und Konfiguration wie beschrieben einfach, zielführend und leicht ins Formular zu integrieren.
Support antwortet fast in Echtzeit. Bei einem anderen Plugin hatte ich mal eine Anregung, die dann in einem Update auch umgesetzt wurde.
Dokumentation kurz, präzise, zielführend. Und wem das nicht reicht, schaut das Video an.
I used this to: E-Mail-Kontaktformular auf meiner Webseite mit Standard-Joomla-Formular.
La versione free fornisce già una protezione ottimale e, cosa non da poco, è conforme al GDPR (Privacy).
Ease of use
Semplice e intuitivo da configurare, bastano due minuti per attivarlo.
Questo plugin è molto intuitivo da usare, ma la documentazione è comunque molto chiara e completa.
I used this to: Utilizzo questo plugin per proteggere efficacemente le pagine di contatto dei siti web di alcuni miei clienti.

Aimy effectiveness

Posted on 17 November 2022
Our site was in the middle of an attack by a login bot that was creating thousands of accounts but the plugin stopped it immediately
Ease of use
The simple graphical instructions on the download page made immplementation very easy
Support not required due to plugin working after upload to site without help
Documentation not required due to plugin working after upload to site without help but can always come back to get it if required
I used this to: Small private website selling stainless steel exhausts to trade customers
Finally I am no longer receiving spam on the Joomla + Virtuemart sites
Ease of use
Very simple to use, just activate it and set it as the default captcha
Fantastic support, I asked for a suggestion and got the answer in a very short time. This also happened for their other extensions.
I looked at the documentation and like all their extensions the instructions are always very clear.
I used this to: I use it on all sites because it does not release cookies and this is important for privacy.

Great robots blocker

Posted on 16 November 2021
Installer, activer et bye bye les robots.
Regardez dans le log et vous verrez l'efficacité de ce plugin.
Ease of use
Installation et paramétrage facile.
Note : avec la version Pro, même le copyright est caché.
Support efficace et réponse rapide par mail dans la journée.
Documentation complète.
Plugin simple et bien documenté.
De nombreuses options pour bloquer les robots qui polluent vos formulaires.
I used this to: Remplacement des captcha Google sur mes formulaires.
Installer sur la plupart de mes sites.
Verhindert Spam durch ein "hidden field" und den check einer "minimum Fillout time". Funktioniert sehr zuverlässig!
Ease of use
Das Plugin arbeitet als Joomla!-Captcha und lässt sich folglich bei allen Formularen einsetzen die das Joomla!-Captcha System unterstützt.
Entwickler antwortet schnell und äußerst kompetent. Sehr guter Support.
Dokumentation ist sehr detailliert - wenngleich es eigentlich selbsterklärend ist.
I used this to: Als datenschutzfreundliche Alternative zu ReCaptcha kommt das Plugin in Kombination mit RSforms bei einem Kontaktformular zum Einsatz.
This is a great alternative to Google reCaptcha.
Ease of use
Simple install and configure.
Quick response to my suggestion improvements. However the plugin is perfect as it is.
Well documented and easy configuration post installation.
I used this to: I was having a lot of issues getting Google reCaptcha 2 working on some new sites and tried a number of extension alternatives. I came across this one, and it will be my choice to replace existing eCaptcha and use it on all new installs. This is well thought out and works!
Aimy Canonical PRO
Paid download

Aimy Canonical PRO

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Aimy Canonical creates a canonical link tag for your website. If your website can be visited via more than one URL you can set the preferred domain name and protocol (http, https) with this plugin. For search engine optimization (SEO) you prevent the duplicate content problem by defining a canonical URL. Aimy Canonical is easy to use and set up within less than 5 minutes: Install the plugin, type...
Aimy Canonical

Aimy Canonical

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Aimy Canonical creates a canonical link tag for your website. If your website can be visited via more than one URL you can set the preferred domain name and protocol (http, https) with this plugin. For search engine optimization (SEO) you prevent the duplicate content problem by defining a canonical URL. Aimy Canonical is easy to use and set up within less than 5 minutes: Install the plugin, type...
Aimy Sitemap

Aimy Sitemap

By Aimy Extensions
Site Map
Create an XML sitemap of your website for search engines with the Aimy Sitemap generator. You may generate an HTML sitemap for your visitors as well. Support for Joomla! and third party content given without extra plugins. Have a look at the features and options you can use with this sitemap generator to create your sitemaps. Improve your SEO and website usability with this highly customizable an...
Aimy H1 Heading

Aimy H1 Heading

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Easily repair any missing H1 headings of your Joomla! website and meanwhile improve your SEO without using a complicated template override. If the plugin cannot find an H1 on a page, it takes the first H2 and turns it into an H1. Moreover you can use a blacklist to set in which contexts the content should not be repaired. It also comes along with two useful, optional features: If you are not su...
Aimy Video Embedder PRO
Paid download

Aimy Video Embedder PRO

By Aimy Extensions
Multimedia Display
Aimy Video Embedder allows you to embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo in your articles and at module positions. It is easy to set up, customize and use. Various options can be set for the embedded videos, depending on the video service used (i.e. width and height). The PRO version additionally supports: responsive video embedding embedding playlists (YouTube) setting options per video individ...
Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard PRO
Paid download

Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard PRO

By Aimy Extensions
Site Security
Keep your forms spam free with user friendly Captcha alternatives. No user action required · GDPR-friendly This captcha plugin uses well known anti-spam tests that do not require user action: minimum fillout time bot trap This way you can protect your website from spam bots with methods that are better for website usability and accessability than Captchas. These methods are included within t...
Aimy Sitemap PRO
Paid download

Aimy Sitemap PRO

By Aimy Extensions
Site Map
Create an XML sitemap of your website for search engines with the Aimy Sitemap generator. You may generate an HTML sitemap for your visitors as well. Support for Joomla! and third party content given without extra plugins. Have a look at the features and options you can use with this sitemap generator to create your sitemaps. Improve your SEO and website usability with this highly customizable an...
Aimy Speed Optimization PRO
Paid download

Aimy Speed Optimization PRO

By Aimy Extensions
Increase the pagespeed and performance of your website with Aimy Speed Optimization. Eliminate render-blocking (CSS and JavaScript), use preloading, minify HTML, make use of browser caching and compression and optimize image loading. This easy to set up plugin comes along with the following features for a better page speed: embeds and minifies CSS code queues JavaScript elements asynchronously...
Aimy Video Embedder

Aimy Video Embedder

By Aimy Extensions
Multimedia Display
Aimy Video Embedder allows you to embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo in your articles and at module positions. It is easy to set up, customize and use. Various options can be set for the embedded videos, depending on the video service used (i.e. width and height). For more options and a GDPR friendly embedding of videos have a look at the PRO version!...
Aimy Responsive Iframes PRO
Paid download

Aimy Responsive Iframes PRO

By Aimy Extensions
Mobile Display
This plugin allows you to make Iframes responsive. With different default options and additional single settings the configuration for your website is highly flexible. keep aspect ratio fit width only ignore individual settings based on src-URLs Within a few minutes all Iframes of your website will look great on any device!...
Aimy IndexNow

Aimy IndexNow

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Aimy IndexNow submits URLs to search engines whenever new content is added or updated. So search engines are always up to date and can visit your website on changes immediately. The submission is done automatically on save (or upload for media files). Aimy IndexNow is easy to set up and ready for use in about 2 minutes. Aimy IndexNow's Main Features Generate API key Set minimum submission tim...

Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard

Aimy Extensions
Last updated:
Jan 08 2025
2 months ago
Date added:
Feb 05 2015
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard PRO
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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