Affiliate feeds, by bram - Joomla Extension Directory


Affiliate Systems

The component allows to integrate datafeeds ( xml/csv) from affiliate programs like zanox, tradetracker,webgains and tradedoubler,affiliatewindow,shareasale, netaffiliation, commision junction or any other CSV product file into a joomla site. Creating a product browser or price comparison website.

Joomla 4 and 5 supported

Works really well

Posted on 25 May 2018
It does what it was made to do and does that well, if you want to display datafeeds this will do the job
Ease of use
Wouldn't say easy, you have to figure a fair bit out and it takes awhile to get things going but it is pretty powerful
A bit light but what there is points you in the right direction
I used this to: Displaying datafeeds from affilate networks
Affiliate Datafeed - Joomla Component
Ease of use
easy to configure component, Excellent support I definitely recommend this component
Extreme Support , very Satisfied
I used this to: Fetching Products Datafeeds and Offer Feeds (Xml or Csv)

Best extension ever

Posted on 21 July 2014
Bram, thank you for this brilliant extension. I spent a couple of days cofiguring it, but finally it works. I use some xml files from Zanox on Joomla 3.3.1 (content website in Russian). Everyone can deal with this component, as I am not the best in technical stuff (I had no idea of how xml works). Frankly, your documantation was not so clear for me, but somehow I managed it myself:). Thank you, keep it up!
If this worked with Commission Junction it would be perfect, but it does not pull the datafeed even after following instructions. Not much help from the forums either.
Owner's reply: As fas as tested the component worked fine with CJ (csv/gzipped) feeds.

I don't have a CJ account so I can't test the current situation.

Anyhow the component should work with any CSV file with a header row, either gzipped or not.

Joomla 3.2

Posted on 15 December 2013
Thats what I'm looking for, but can't install in Joomla 3.2.

Hope available soon ;-)


Owner's reply: Hi

Did you pick the right version?

Please use the forum or the support form to send any specifics

Will try a fresh install myself asap


Great Extension

Posted on 09 September 2013
You guys rock!

The only thing I have to note is that the tranlation on your website is not 100% accurate between Englifh and Dutch.

Just Great!

Posted on 03 April 2013
I have a rented Webshop from Alltron. What won't connect with Joomla at all. So earlier I was just providing a Search-Box on my page. Then I've seen Bram's Tool and taught tat it may can doo the job. (Search in my rented shop and provide the results in the Joomla-Page) Unfortunately my shop creates a ugly datafeed without headers. So the component wasn't able to work with the feed at all.

Just a small E-Mail to Bram and he developed a custom parser and a Custom search-Module for my website and installed it. It had its price. But the result is outstanding and the support-reaction realy fast.

So before you delete this Component because it isn't working take contact to Bram he can handle it.
Indeed a fine component to handle datafeeds and create you're little shop. You can pick one of the many networks supported but there are some issues im not to happy with. For instance, why every index.html file (14x) is filled with a bunch of links going to his website. The support is available but as fas as communication goes, he's definitely on some sort of different level. His way of explaining things aren't always that easy to understand. He does make a lot of mistakes with writing. What is a bit disturbing, is his way of getting financial compensation for his work. 2 years ago or so he charged almost 100 euro so you could read the documentation. When that failed he dropped that so everybody could read it. He had a dutch forum, then an english forum. Now those are obsolete and he has a new free forum again and introduced a pro subscription (Hidden forum area). That will cost you again 50 euro, and in return you get some samples to extend your shop functionality and a gratefull programmer. Well, its not worth it. Ive seen many programmers who put countless hours in their work and they did it with joy because they love to do what they do. However, Bram is i think a bit frustrated for the little $$ he gets back in return. Let me continue, the style used for this component is a disaster and ugly and many of the classes are not into the stylesheet and simply missing. The average user who sets up a site will never win any price with the design. To my opinion he should have worked with someone who would take care of the design. The component also misses a lot of some basic functionality in how to deal with crappy datafeeds. I could still recommend it, but i hope it gets better and cleaned up a bit.

Bram is brilliant!

Posted on 03 January 2012
I needed a solution for a non standard xml feed so having searched JED I decided to contact Bram to ask if he could help me. Wihtout delay and for a very very reasonable small charge he provided much more than I could have hoped for. I would definitely recommend this developer to anyone that needs help with custom xml feeds!

Thanks again for your help Bram!

Highly recommended

Posted on 30 April 2011
I have been using this extension for the last 6 months and now have 12 product feeds on 4 different topic websites.

I am not that technical but found the set up easy enough by following the hlp notes on www.affiliatefeeds.nl/ and the component, menu and module settings from the example feed which can be added on installing and deleted later.

The only problems that I've had is when I upgraded sh404 and a couple of small issues when adding product feeds into my articles, this was sorted out quickly with the developers help.

I highly recommend this extension and one well worth putting the time into understanding as it has many configurations and uses and has made a good impact on my websites.
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Easy Log Viewer

Easy Log Viewer

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Affiliate feeds

Last updated:
Apr 02 2024
11 months ago
Date added:
Nov 07 2009
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m
J4 J5 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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