KISS GooSence, by Heiner Klostermann - Joomla Extension Directory


Google Ads, Affiliate Systems

KISS GooSence - a module to easily integrate Google Adsense Ads into your Joomla website. It is configurable very simply and has got multiple features such as multichannel support. The module runs with Joomla 3.x, it is also suitable for Joomla 2.5 (at least 2.5.19)

You can (but you don't need to) configure the module according to your needs. If you want a quick start, leave the predefined configuration as is, just enter your Google publisher ID code and you're done. This is KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid.

Adsense is a Google service showing context sensitive ads on your website at any predefined position. You need a Google adsense account and a publisher ID which can be obtained free of charge from Google.


  • Predefined configuration. Just enter your Google Publisher ID code and you're done.
  • Ads can be shown to selective user groups
    • all, anonymous only and registered only
  • Color configuration settings (Background, border, links...)
  • Supports Google's user defined channels and slots
  • Supports ads for responsive design
  • Asynchronous loading
  • All predefined banner ads formats configurable

    • such as square, skyscraper, leaderboard etc. ... Very flexible and suitable for all module positions
  • Comes with languages: German and Englisch

Works flawlessly!

Posted on 12 November 2012
I had a bit of difficulty adding the Google AdSense code to my sites, I did some searching, found this baby and within minutes...I was up and running, serving ads like a champ. Thanks to the developer of this...works wonderfully, is easy to use and has more than enough options for the basics.


Posted on 19 October 2012
Nice extension but I miss the adjustment left, right of center of my adds

Works perfect!

Posted on 02 August 2012
Definitly the best adsense-plugin for Joomla!

I tried a lot of Adsense Plugins and modules because I didn't manage to do it via editor. The first five programms I tried didn't work, so I was dissapointed.

But then I tried Kiss and it was easy and worked great!
Downloaded, installed, added my pub number, choose the module position, choose the size of ad - done

So easy!

Also lots of customisation available, and a support forum for if you need help.




By Heiner Klostermann
Classified Ads
Just K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple stupid! This component enables you to set up a classified ads market on your site within a few minutes. Easy to use, easy to maintain. Very user friendly design. Many useful features. Suitable for free ads as well as for professional paid ads markets. Whatever you want to sell or buy - or whoever you want to get in touch with: This component can make it. Functions...
KISS Javaslides

KISS Javaslides

By Heiner Klostermann
KISS Javaslides is a javascript based slideshow module. It shows horizontal or vertical slides of any size at any module position of your Joomla website. KISS Javaslides features ... specify one image folder or images from any location creatable custom configuration files add titles and urls to images makes images linkable configurable image transition and transition speed configurable image du...

KISS GooSence

Heiner Klostermann
Last updated:
Mar 06 2019
6 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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