OGPublishControls, by Roland Leicher - Joomla Extension Directory


It allows:

  • Require your authors to select a lower level categories. So a leaf of the tree of categories.
    However, in the plugin settings, you can specify groups of users that are allowed to publish to category nodes.
    For example, to avoid forgetting the selection of the publication category and all the problems that may arise from it (bad publication on the site, bad NewsLetter, bad user group authorized to read), this of course to condition that the first category authorized to the publisher has a category girl.

  • To prohibit the creation of categories.
    However, in the plugin settings, you can specify groups of users that are allowed to create categories (do not forget to put the Administrators group and super user).

  • Check that there is content in the article, by activating a text length control that must be greater than the title.

These controls are to be configured one by one in the plugin settings.

Requires a version 3.5 or more of Joomla.

It will of course also think to activate the plugin.

The controls are done both in admin and in front.

Note, however, that in admin, it is not possible to disable menu links by plugin.
If you prohibit category creation but allow admin access to com_content and create articles, the menu link to article categories remains, but the corresponding page will not be accessible with a message.



By Roland Leicher
Articles Display
The ogDefaultPicture content plugin allows the category image to be used automatically when no introductory image has been defined in the article. It also allows you to display the introductory image when no full article image has been defined, when displaying the article. Just activate the plugin, or deactivate it, if you no longer want to display images....


Roland Leicher
Last updated:
May 25 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Apr 15 2019
Free download
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