Fields - Product Data, by mediadesigner - Joomla Extension Directory


Custom fields

Product Data is a plugin that extends Joomla custom fields and enables you to show product data in an impressive way. Product Data even lets you setup comparisons between joomla items.

This plugin is an enhancement to the native Joomla! field checkboxes. The disadvantage about checkboxes is that only one value can be saved and an attribute having no value won't be shown in frontend. Additionally changing the setup of the field (e.g. changing an attribute name) will delete all values previously edited.

With Product Data we totally refactored all disadvantages of the native field and added great functions to present product attributes to your customers. The custom field lets you create a list of attributes, with each having a name and a url. Within the plugin configuration you can set up to three different values (e.g. Yes/No/Unknown) for every single attribute and change the sorting.
You can then present the attributes in the frontend, with a custom url on the attribute name and the value as selected in the item.

The plugin is multilingual which enables you to use text constants as values for the different options per attribute.
This custom field type also does not delete saved values on editing, like the native field type checkboxes does.

We developed a frontend element based on YoothemePro to dynamically present product data comparisons which is available as a payed downlaod.

Features Overview
- show product data with different values
- link attributes to specified urls
- multilingual values
- don't loose fields values on edit
- group attributes listings
- easily change sorting of attributes
- easily setup product comparisons with YoothemePro element


Posted on 07 October 2022
They just want a registration on the site and do not provide a download link...
Ease of use
They just want a registration on the site and do not provide a download link...
I used this to: They just want a registration on the site and do not provide a download link...

Fields - Product Data

Last updated:
Jul 20 2022
2 years ago
Date added:
Apr 21 2022
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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