NetzSinn Address2Coordinates, by Bernhard Woehrlin - Joomla Extension Directory

NetzSinn Address2Coordinates


Search & Indexing, Maps & Locations, Geotagging, Custom fields

Address to Coordinates allows you to assign several location fields, like street, city, zip code, or country. When a form is submitted, it will concatenate (combine) these fields and send them to the Google API, which will return the latitude and longitude, which will also be stored in custom fields.

Storing location data rather than querying on each visit will keep your number of calls down now that Google has put a cap on free use of the maps API.
Once you have the latitude or longitude, you can use it with Maps or any other geo plugin or custom application.

With this extension, you'll get the following benefits:

  • Installing and configuring it is a breeze.
  • Definition of one or more address sets possible.
  • Fetches geocoordinates for given address Custom Fields and stores them in Custom Fields for Latitude and Longitude.
  • Uses the Google Map JavaScript API for the most accurate geodata.
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NetzSinn Address2Coordinates

Bernhard Woehrlin
Last updated:
Apr 13 2024
11 months ago
Date added:
Feb 15 2023
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System