All In One Responsive Tab, by Contona.com - Joomla Extension Directory


★ 3 Types of tabs available. 1. Horizontal Tab 2. Vertical Tab 3. Accordion Tab
★ Fully customizable.
★ On the desktop(large screen), it will work as tab and in Mobiles(Small Screen) it will be converted to Accordion.
★ Lightweight & easy to configure.
★ Fast support.

Freely configurable field with tabs within a page to include explanations, images or videos
Ease of use
The use is amazingly simple, the number of tabs is freely definable, the standard editor allows the design of the content in the usual way.
Support is really great and fast - new version was ready within hours and online
Value for money
excellent - I know many "offers" which are not - here quite different, good money against good product - that's how it should be!
I used this to: Our business website with technical products that require explanation
News Ticker
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News Ticker

By Contona.com
News Display
RTL support. Fully Responsible. You can use it to display News, Breaking News, Offers, Notice, Testimonials, Messages. 3 Styles of news scrolling: Fade, Vertical Slide, and Horizontal Slide. 11 predefined Themes and Custom Styling Option. Style the News Ticker according to your template; change colors of text, link, background. Put Heading & News texts in any language. Change the size of the disp...
Scroll to Internal Links
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Scroll to Internal Links

By Contona.com
Content Links
★ You can link your texts internally. So on clicking the link, the page will be smoothly scrolled to the linked content. ★ Adjust scroll speed. ★ You can use this on FAQ page, Tutorial Page, Links & Texts page. ★ You can interlink your texts on a page and represent your content in an effective way. ★ Lightweight & easy to use. ★ Buy once, use it for many sites. NO LIMIT. ★ You will l...
Paid download


By Contona.com
A website PreLoader, loads before loading a web page. It shows a PreLoader in the waiting period of loading a web page. Many customizations are available to tune the preloader. Five(5) PreLoader Types: Revolving Dots, Bouncing Dots, Text, Icon/HTML and Image All types have its own customization options. You can show an your text or Logo or GIF image or Dots or icon and other CSS Icons as a PreL...

All In One Responsive Tab

Last updated:
Feb 24 2023
2 years ago
Date added:
Jun 19 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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