BackupMonkey, by BackupMonkey - Joomla Extension Directory


Backup, Administration, Site Management, Multiple Sites, Site Security

Managing multiple websites a hassle? BackupMonkey unifies your Joomla site management, guaranteeing increased efficiency and earnings.

BackupMonkey is the 100% GDPR compliant dashboard for agencies and freelancers to manage multiple WordPress sites in one place.


Monitoring & Overview: BackupMonkey provides one dashboard to manage all your WordPress sites in one place. Always get an overview of your sites’ most important information. Easily apply updates, manage backups, or just check if the site is online – everything in one place.

One-Click Updates: BackupMonkey provides an easy-to-use list of available core and extension updates – all in one place. You can apply those updates directly from the BackupMonkey panel with just a single click.

Security Audits: Our site audit checks a site for malware and potential hacks. Receive fast feedback if a page is a security risk and react immediately if necessary.

Backup Management: Save valuable time and automate your backup process with our weekly planner. Decide how often backups are created and on which days they should be tested. Freely configurable for your personal needs.

Automated Backup Tests: BackupMonkey not only creates backups using the award-winning AkeebaBackup extension, but also tests backups to ensure a working site can be restored – because an untested backup is not a backup at all.

Maintenance Reports: Make your services transparent to your customers with our automatically generated monthly reports. Customize your reports using your own company logo and colors and present your work to the customer.

Use our free trial and try our tool yourself for 30 days free of charge.

You can automatise backups on all your Joomla websites. Test the backups if they can be restored. Create service email reports for clients.
Ease of use
Create account, install package, click connect.
Then just monitor your websites and update, backup,... with one click.
The support is very fast and absolutely helpful, but very rarely needed.
Lots of documentation, but you don't need it.
Resources/templates (like powerpoint) for offering service contracts to your clients.
Value for money
Absolutely worth it. Price is depending on number of sites and tested backups.
I used this to: My client projects to monitor Joomla versions, backups status, updates,...

Einfach und genial

Posted on 23 March 2022
Das Plugin funktioniert einfach und gut. Stellt halt einwandfrei die Verbindung zwischen Monkey und Seite her.
Ease of use
Installieren, fertig. Rest erledigt der Monkey. Easy as 1, 2, 3.
Der Support vom Monkey-Team ist exzellent. Schnell und zielführend. Auch wenn das Problem nicht unbedingt am Monkey liegt; z.B. Layer 8 o.ä.
Die Doku dazu ist gar nicht so richtig erforderlich, denn es ist selbst erklärend. Das Teil ist ja nur der Connector zum Dienst.
Value for money
Ich finde das Preisleistungsverhältnis in Ordnung und bin zufrieden.
I used this to: Der Monkey ist ein absolut unverzichtbares Werkzeug um Joomla!-Seiten zu überwachen, aktuell zu halten und vor allem, Datensicherungen zu erstellen und zu prüfen, ob diese funktionieren. Ein defektes Backup nützt nichts.


Last updated:
May 17 2024
10 months ago
Date added:
Feb 18 2022
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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