Simple Informer, by Anton Sumin (effrit) - Joomla Extension Directory


Birthdays & Historic events, Events

simple informer provide you the easy way to show an events (image+text+link) according to current date. In new version (2.4) added accordion slider for events.

You can check current events in different way:
a) by date
b) by day of the week
c) by number of day from beginning of year

[01.01+10==newyear.jpg==Happy New Year!==ny.html] - for 11 days with text, picture and link
[01.01====Happy New Year!==] - for 1 day (text only).
[01.01==newyear.jpg====] - for 1 day (picture only).
[1x5.10==wsd.jpg==World Smile Day==wsd.html] - for first (1) Friday (x5) of October (.10) /+n day DON'T WORK
[256.00==prog_day.jpg==Programmers Day!==] - for 256 day from beginning of year /+n day WORKING


Simple and it works

Posted on 21 January 2019
Easy to install, All functionality is accessed from the module using shortcodes. A simple reminder or any form of date based content window.
Ease of use
Very simple if you're familiar with Joomla
Web demo was enough - experienced no issues
Clear guidelines in the module tooltips - no more was needed
I used this to: Data based content links on Joomla site - working on 3.91

Perfect and thanks!

Posted on 03 March 2014
I was looking for exactly this. Does what it advertise on the tin, and it's free! What else can you ask for beside a 5-stars. Thank you!

Simple & Perfect

Posted on 04 February 2013
Great support - I was looking for a "Birthday-Reminder" for weeks. This Simple Informer fits exactly, what I needed. Fast reply's...
Wow, we needed a small change to show specific content on specific days of the week each week during the year. Sent an email explaining the need and got an update shortly after. We are very happy with the module and the support. Thanks

Nice and easy

Posted on 30 May 2012
I tested your module and it's very useful and convenient, at least on my case. I love the way this extension sorts automatically the current events.

I however would love a new feature: the option to add a slider in the module, for events published in the same time. This way the module can be smaller and display the same amount of information. Please consider this feature for the future

Owner's reply: Hi,Gerardpp!
its interesting idea, but in my case its troublesome, cose different Joomla versions use different mootools.
But, if i will have free time i will try, at least for J2.5 version ;)
Thanks for review.

Great module

Posted on 16 March 2012
Really useful and nicely done. This module is something I´ve been looking for and great thing is 2.5 compatibility.

Only what bothering me is font color. I understand to change size and alignment (in tmpl folder) but where I could change color. I suppose it is in CSS but what part?
Owner's reply: hi, oKRamxII!
adjustment of style is not complicate if you understand basic of CSS.
try read this manual about module class suffix:

and thanks for review :)
I use this extension to announce birthdays and other family events on our family forum. I was a little dense about the setup at first, but once I caught on; it's very easy.

And you can put in any date you want on the list, and link to different graphics for each. Lots of fun!

Thank you to the developer, this extension was a brilliant idea!
Owner's reply: thanks, prilly!
your post made me check module for compatible with Joomla 2.5, and seems it work fine :)

Font size

Posted on 07 October 2011
Hello, I consider myself to be a rookie Joomla user and that's why I'd like to thank you for this really easy and handy module. I use it as a birthday reminder and I wonder whether is it possible to change the font size or even the font itself. I was going throught the documentation and tried to search all the files but haven't been successful so far.
Owner's reply: Rinja, thanks for review!
You can customize your module by replace
to in all files of "tmpl" module filder.
after doing this, you will can set custom font, font color and size by css in your site template.
sorry, but basic css knowledge you have got by yourself :).

Animated gifs

Posted on 02 September 2011
Hi I really enjoy this extension, I just have 2 difficulties with it.

1. My animated gif's does not work in Internet Explorer but it works in the articles.

2. I can not give a registered user access to quickly add an "event", they have to go into the module and add the code.

Any ideas?
Owner's reply: hmm.
the first "problem" is not fault of module :)
i just tested my own animated gif on Joomla 1.7 and its worked fine...

and, of course, my MODULE (its not component!) don't provide the function you request, because its SIMPLE solution for administrators/editors of site.
This extension is just the right touch for my website. Cute, quick to install and configure. I just wanted to add a small bit of whimsy to the home page and this did the trick. Cute but yet informative.
Owner's reply: mwinborn, thanks for positive review! :)

Simple Informer

Anton Sumin (effrit)
Last updated:
Jan 07 2017
8 years ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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