LeoClock, by Hampus Jensen - Joomla Extension Directory



LeoClock is a clean and simple but very functional clock module for Joomla. What's unique about LeoClock apart is that it gets the time through PHP which means mainly two things. First, everyone visiting the page will get the same time even if the clock on their computer is wrong as it uses the Server clock. Second, it has access to the handy timezone options in PHP, e.g "Europe/London" and "America/New_York".

The settings for the module are the following:

  • PHP Timezone http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php.
  • Whether or not timezone should be showed below the clock.
  • Lets you choose if the displayed timezone should be complete with continent or just city. Either way it will format the original PHP timezone for nicer display. In addition you can choose to display a custom string in place of the standard timezones (added in version 1.2). ** Europe/London shows as "Europe, London" if full and "London" if city. ** America/New_York shows as "America, New York" if full and "New York" if city. ** America/Indiana/Knox shows as "America, Indiana, Knox" if full and "Knox" if city ** Indian/Chagos shows as "Indian Ocean, Chagos" if full and "Chagos" if city.
  • Time format, 24 or 12h.
  • Whether or not seconds should be displayed. Whether or not the current date should be displayed and if it it should, in what format. (Added in version 1.2.)

The module supports multiple instances running on the same page, just make sure you give the different names.

The module is available in Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5 versions. The 2.5 version has been tested with Joomla 2.5 as well as 3.0 but it should work on any version above 1.6.

Leap of faith

Posted on 25 June 2016
Works fine with Joomla, in a multi component installation with no conflicts or poor performance.
Ease of use
Comes out of the box in an easy to setup and deploy module format.
Not had cause to require support, that must reflect well on the developers.
Not required any for the sake of install and go performance
I used this to: Visible clock with a real-time output. I'd freely recommend this tidy and functional module.

Only in english

Posted on 18 October 2015
Nice, but useless for non english websites. No way to change the format of the date and that ruins it for me in germany right there.
Ease of use
Easy to install.
I used this to: Can't, as it is not "internationalized".

Simple and Nice

Posted on 16 May 2014
Simple, nice, exactly what i want, Excellent support!!

Good module

Posted on 07 February 2014
A simple module that delivers exactly what it promise. We had no problem setting this up on our site.

Simple and funtional...

Posted on 30 January 2014
I was looking for a module that shows the local hour to notice customers the hours that they can call us. This module is easy to use, you can configure the way to visualize the date format and others good simple features.


Posted on 12 December 2013
This module echo time from server-side and that`s exactly what i need :)

thank you very much.

Not responsive

Posted on 26 May 2013
Works fine out of the box, but wraps the date & time within a element with obstrusive CSS and fixed font size which ruins responsive designs.


Hampus Jensen
Last updated:
Nov 19 2014
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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