My Live Chat, by mylivechat - Joomla Extension Directory


It's 100% FREE!

122,885 Accounts and Growing. Turn Visitors Into Customers.
Talk with customers in real-time, monitor site traffic, analyze visitors' web activities, provide excellent support and increase sales

My Live Chat plugin for Joomla provides an easy way to integrate your Joomla!-powered website with the Live Chat solution.

My LiveChat is a fast, high performance and most user-friendly live chat solution. It allows you to live chat with website visitors, monitor site traffic, and analyze visitors' web activities, including their search engine and keyword usage.

It only takes a few minutes! Insert a simple piece of HTML code into your webpage and you are all set. Talk to your website visitors. Increase sales and improve customer service. Start right now!


Posted on 09 December 2023
I am very satisfied with this service! I have been using it since 2016 and it is flawless. It works great on Joomla 5.01. php 8.2
Ease of use
I can modify the language and make it very customised. I can recommend it to everyone.
I used this to: When time allows, I help people live. I can recommend it to everyone.
Doesn't work. When creating account on the site it has an error message. Same error message when you go to use the chat on their website...
Ease of use
Can't use it Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.CuteSoft_QueuedMails'.'PK_CuteSoft_QueuedMails' in database 'mylivechat' because the '
Non existent through their own product 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the fi
Clear but when followed can't create an account legroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing fil
I used this to: I can't use it on my site Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.CuteSoft_QueuedMails'.'PK_CuteSoft_QueuedMails' in database 'mylivechat' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional

Nice Features

Posted on 04 May 2016
Very good Functionality
Ease of use
Documentation is good
no need any support. It is very good extensions
easy to use
I used this to: my website

Decent Chat Module

Posted on 06 April 2015
Realy love the functionality of this extension.
Ease of use
Very easy use once you have your mylivechat account setup.
I used this to: Pretty decent live chat module. Plus, the unlimited Free version is a winner. Planning to move to a premium plan when the mobile apps (apple & android) become stable.
is a excellent product, easy to install on joomla and has no limit chats with my clients. Thanks for provide a great product for free.

Lots of errors

Posted on 07 June 2014
It's ok when it works, but it's very buggy(in their defense they do try to help you fix the issues but by the time you get one resolved, something else breaks). So only get it if you are ok with having it work only half the time.

Also the initial installation was a huge pain in the ass. Easily the hardest extension to install so far.

Best ever

Posted on 13 September 2013
Easy simple and free for starters... simply a gr8 module.

loved it !


Posted on 18 July 2013
Great Extension for live chat . Using free plan right now ,but will upgrade to paid plan soon. If you need a nice looking live chat extension, this is for you.


Posted on 20 November 2011
Nice chat extension with live support.

Most importatnt, there is free plan!

My Live Chat

Last updated:
Mar 07 2015
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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