Droide Forms, by André Luiz - Joomla Extension Directory


Custom Code in Modules, Formulae, Contact forms, Forms, Development

You have imagined in a form system for joomla facing developers backend and frontend?

droideforms New Version 1.2.6


A system that is easy to declare and reset php and javascript functions, customize and create the layout of the form using visuals of your theme?

Now this is possible with the Droid-forms, designed and developed for programmers who want to make the most of Joomla resources and stylize the forms with the resources of the theme in use.

How it works

droid-forms has been designed as a module to be easily manipulated, it you can:

  • Add preset or custom validations,
  • Configure e-mail sending (the module uses the configuration.php data)
  • Create sending layout
  • Create answer layout
  • Create select or create form layout

droid-forms is designed to be extended, using triggers joomla you can handle the form submission process with the features:
* onDroideformsInit - before set load all parans
* onDroideformsBeforeLayout - before view layout form
* onDroideformsbeforeInitRemententeMensagem - before init recipient treatment
* onDroideformsAddvalidate - Add custom form validation
* onDroideformsAddrules - add custom rules, to new fields not sets in admin.
* onDroideformsBeforePublisheLayout - Before send layout of the mensage
* onDroideformsPosSend - Control after send e-mail
* onDroideformsPosSendError - Control after error generate

** Important to uses the var $custom_vars in your custom plugins for specific html view. This var This variable was added in version 1.1 **

The javascript was developed as modules using designer partner to be easily manipulated, and thus modify dynamic structures layout.

var j = jQuery.noConflict();

sendDroideForms.alert_class = 'uk-alert uk-alert-';
sendDroideForms.divLoad = function(){
return "";


The system needs jquery, if your layout is using, do not need to activate. otherwise you need to turn on the module panel.


The system currently has two layouts. Because the system uses the CSS defined in the layout, it was only applied the html layout.

  • Default containing html bootstrap
  • YOOtheme containing html YOOtheme

layout send

Layout to send, check preview:

Dados do Faturamento
Tipo de pessoa: {tp_pessoa}

CPF: {cpf}

    CNPJ: {cnpj}
    Inscrição Estadual: {ie}
    Isento: {isento}

    Area: {phone}
    Material Proteger: {name}



| Name | Link |
|droide-formsrecaptcha | Download |
|droide-sendcart | Download |
|droide-captcha | Download |
|droide-cart (for ajax) | Download |
|droide-forms_savedb | Download |


| Version | Link |
| v 1.2.5 | download - v 1.2.5 - j3.8.x |
| v 1.2.4 | download - v 1.2.4 - j3.8.x |
| v 1.2.3 | download - v 1.2.3 - j3.8.x |
| v 1.2.2 | download - v 1.2.2 - j3.5.x |
| v 1.2.1 | download - v 1.2.1 - j3.5.x |
| v 1.1 | download - v 1.1 - j3.5.x |
| v 1.0 | download - v 1.0 - j3.5.x |

issues solveds for 1.2.6

  • Error of the variable

issues solveds for 1.2.5

  • Add multiples recipients email in to field admin
  • Add attributes in triggers onDroideformsPosSend, onDroideformsPosSendError
  • improved loading of module object, new fields $ module-> id, $ module-> title
  • Removed mcrypt of the system, updated to openssl_encrypt for php7.2 compatibility

issues solveds for 1.2.4

  • Add Trigger onDroideformsbeforeInitRemententeMensagem
  • Added feature for recipient to receive custom layout email
  • more fields in the module administrator

issues solveds for 1.2.3

  • Added variable &$returnTrigger in method _sendEmail which walks between triggers onDroideformsBeforePublisheLayout and onDroideformsBeforeReturn
  • Attachment event error for multiple clicks on submit resolved
  • Added validator method for cpf, cnpj, data

Documentation and wikis

Company Next4

Agência Next4 - desenvolvimento de sites

Nice Form

Posted on 13 July 2016
Nice form component, for my contact forms
Ease of use
my contact forms
I used this to: my contact forms
Countsimilar for Kunena

Countsimilar for Kunena

By André Luiz
Kunena extensions
Generates a button on the Kunena forum at the post, which counts the number of users with similar problems to post. You must modify the template layout in comkunena / template / customtemplate / html / topic / default_actions.php After that insert or stylize echo $ this-> topicButtons- > get (' mesmoproblema ' ) . ' ' . $ this-> topicButtons- > get (' countm...

Droide Forms

André Luiz
Last updated:
Aug 28 2018
6 years ago
Date added:
Jul 04 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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