OptiPic images optimization, by OptiPic - Joomla Extension Directory


Smart images optimization and WebP convertation on the fly with OptiPic CDN.

What does OptiPic CDN do when trying to request an image from it:

Returns the WebP version of the image, if the browser supports WebP format.
Returns a compressed/optimized version without webp, if the browser does not support WebP.
Makes responsive to mobile screens, if the image is opened from a mobile.
Caches and speeds up loading, reducing the load from your hosting.
Convertation to Webp and image compression occurs in the background and does not slow down the opening of images on the browser.
If the optimized version is not yet ready at the time of the image request, the original version is returned without any processing.

What gets optimization of images on the site:

Speeding up the site
Improving SEO
Increasing of conversion
Increasing of Google Pagespeed Insights
Why images optimization speed up your site?

Have any questions?
You may get free support or free integration with OptiPic here.

For more information please visit official OptiPic CDN site.

So far so good. it does as it promised so i cant ask for much more! :)
Ease of use
So far so good. it does as it promised so i cant ask for much more! :)
So far so good. it does as it promised so i cant ask for much more! :)
So far so good. it does as it promised so i cant ask for much more! :)
I used this to: So far so good. it does as it promised so i cant ask for much more! :)

What a great tool

Posted on 16 September 2024
Easy way to optimize your site and to increase the speed of your website and on google page speed
Ease of use
Easy to setup and configure, just enable plugin insert id and then boom your image is fully optimizeed
haven't tried it but i will for sure after i go professional and need to optimize more images for better optimization
haven't tried it but i will after i go professional and need to optimize more images for better optimization
I used this to: for image optimization and to increase the page speed of my website for google page speed
The loading speed of our sites has increased several times.
Really a uniquely quick setup, unexpectedly.
Ease of use
Very easy to use, quick installation in Joomla, and in seconds you get several times higher speed.
Fast high-quality support in every step of the setup, as well as the work afterwards. Thank you for that.
Detailed documentation describing each step, incl. and if working with other SDN networks, how to bind to them and so on.
I used this to: We have optimized the work of 6 sites related to conferences of our scientific association, and we plan to add more.
Works great for my site. Was struggling to find a solution to lagging besides JS optimization/compression.
Ease of use
Simple to set up. A couple minutes and you're done. I didn't have any experience with CDNs so thought it might be more work. It wasn't!
I used this to: getting my site pages to load faster. I don't have a large site but because of the extensions I use, it runs slower than other sites I've built. This extension showed a noticeable difference in load times.
Serviciul CDN Optipic este extrem de util si livreaza continutul foarte repede, fata de competitori.
Integrarea cu diferitele CMS este ok.
Ease of use
Foarte usor de utilizat. Are o interfata simpla, in Joomla (ce folosesc eu) si pe site-ul lor.
Documentatia este conceputa inteligent, bine structurata si usor de citit.
I used this to: Folosesc serviciul pe un site ce are ca platforma Joomla 3.10, ce serveste ca site de prezentare.
Works very well, trully an optimized CDN platform that delivers as intended.
Ease of use
Didn't have any problem in using. It's quite well design and easy to use.
Very simple interface, even for non-professionals
I used this to: I use it for a Joomla 3.10.x version based website that has a lot of images uploaded every week.

Cheap CDN connection

Posted on 10 March 2022
I was looking for a cheap CDN solution for my websites. So I switch to OptiPic, their plugins work perfectly. Images load more smoothly.
Ease of use
Simply install the plugin via Extensions/Administrative Tools. You don't need more than about a minute to configure the plugin.
Their website has enough supporting suggestions and videos to make a connection.
Well documented. All options are explained well in the plugin. Their website give huge documentation.
I used this to: I use the OptiPic CDN connection for several Joomla systems 3.10.6.
тестирую пока разбираюсь можно посмотреть мой результат на сайте
Ease of use
тестирую пока разбираюсь можно посмотреть мой результат на сайте
I used this to: Joomla

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CDN for images

Posted on 11 November 2021
My websites's CDN was not supporting image optimization. So I switch to OptiPic their plugins work perfect. Images are loaded smoother.
Ease of use
Insatall the plugin from GitHub and put at tab directory then install. Later one minute to configure
Their website has enough supporting suggestion but i did not try yet.
Well documented. All options are explained well in the plugin. Their website give huge documentation.
I used this to: My news blog, most of my friends was telling me "your images are slow loaded" now it is much faster.
Простой функционал, качеешь плагин с сайта производителя, устанавливаешь его на свой сайт, делаешь настройки согласно документации
Ease of use
Достаточно лего устанавливается на сайт и настраивается. Достаточно скачать плагин и установить на свой сайт, далее настроить и радоваться
I used this to: ???????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ???? ??????????? ????? ? ????????? ???????? ????????.

OptiPic images optimization

Last updated:
Dec 12 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Feb 05 2021
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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