
This little plugin creates a quickicon in the <3rd Party> section of the Administrator dashboard, and allows the user to customize it with standard Fontawesome icons and a custom destination URL. It can create only one quickicon for now. Very handy if you create a website for clients who needs a to use a specific page (for instance in a component) to edit their site. You can then create a very visible shortcut for them.

This little plugin creates a quickicon in the &lt;3rd Party&gt; section of the Administrator dashboard, and allows the user to customize it with standard Fontawesome icons and a custom destination URL. It can create only one quickicon for now. Very handy if you create a website for clients who needs a to use a specific page (for instance in a component) to edit their site. You can then create a very visible shortcut for them.

Ce petit plugin crée une icône de raccourci dans le cadre <3rd Party> du tableau de bord de l'administration d'un site, et permet de la personnaliser avec ine icône Fontawesome et une URL de votre choix. Il ne peut créer qu'une seule icône de raccourci pour l'instant. Très pratique par exemple quand vous créez un site pour des clients qui utilisent toujours la même page du site (par exemple dans un composant). Vous pouvez alors leur créer un raccourci de manière très visible.

Domain redirect

Domain redirect

By Xavier Spirlet
URL Redirection
This plugin loads at Joomla! startup and checks if the domain used in the URL matches the one specified in the parameters. If it does not, the plugin gracefully redirects the visitor to the exact same URL, replacing the domain with the preferred one. Useful if you can't (or won't) modify your .htaccess files for Apache redirection. Or if you can't write Rewrite Rules, just like me… Very littl...


Xavier Spirlet
Last updated:
Sep 02 2024
6 months ago
Date added:
Aug 23 2024
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J4 J5

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