Portfolio Cases, by Tech Space Hub - Joomla Extension Directory


Articles Showcase, Images, Portfolio

With three various layouts and a combination of filters and sorting for each layout, the portfolio case component allows you to display your projects. It supports any device and presents your portfolio using jQuery and CSS3 with a variety of animations for each layout (Desktop, Laptop, Tab, and Mobile). For both admin and front-end users, it provides a modal popup for image and detail case views. Even if you load 100 study cases at once for various layouts/templates, this component is constructed in a way that it won't slow down your loading time.

With this component, you may provide a category and tag for each case study. In addition to choosing a related case study for each entry, you can create a case study using a combination of photographs, YouTube videos, Vimeo videos, and text. You can choose one of the two available detail page layouts for each layout. You can filter down to all case studies for a category or tag from the front end detail view.

The menu parameters and component global settings provide you the choice of a list template, detail page template, item number, before text, and a few more variables. If you use menu parameters, menu parameter settings will take precedence over global settings.


  1. Three possible presentation formats for your case study.
  2. A facility for each layout to be sorted or filtered.
  3. Languages in the following alphabets are supported: en-US, en-GB, da-DK, no-NO, ro-RO, fi-FI, el-GR, pt-BR, es-ES, fr-CH, fr-FR, nl-NL, pl-PL, it-IT, ru-RU, and de-DE
  4. Totally responsive on all devices.
  5. Clear and simple to use.
  6. Supported by all current browsers.
  7. Pagination or loading more for various layouts.
  8. Image-displaying modal window.
  9. The admin panel offers options for adding an unlimited number of case studies.
  10. For each layout, templates, a list of items, and a before text can be configured using global configuration and menu parameters.
  11. Quick loading and won't slow down your page load.
  12. Since each label is translated using a language pack for both the front-end and the back-end, this extension should function very well in a multilingual setting.


= 1.0.0 - 27/10/2022 =
* Initial Release
= 1.0.1 - 28/11/2022 =
* PHP 8 compatibility

No functioning issues to date; really good and easy. Very easy and smooth from the user end. I am super happy with its performance.
Ease of use
Very user-friendly and simple to use both on the front end and the back end.
I asked for a tiny customization that I wanted, and I quickly received the service.
A little more depth in the writing of the document would be fantastic.
Value for money
I'm pleased with the value I received for the money. Especially when you get front and back-end functionality smooth with your requirements
I used this to: web page for my case study, where I needed to present my case study in sorting and detail view for each case study along with text and videos.
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Portfolio Cases

Tech Space Hub
Last updated:
Nov 23 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Oct 27 2022
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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