DropEditor brings to you and your users a unique experience in Joomla content edition.
Whether you are an occasional or regular content redactor, DropEditor will save you a lot of time with unique inbuilt edition features. For example, it contains a column edition tool that let you create your own layout and using the template tool you can save and reuse it! You have also a really easy to use image & file manager, summary and button edition.
The visual styles, titles and profiles edition will be perfect to give to your user a custom and easy to use edition interface.
And it's totally FREE! There's only an optional update for full version of the gallery, file and table manager (optional).
- Droppics image manager: Multi-images upload, image thumbnail generation, image preview...
- Generate image custom size with lightbox in two clicks
- Dropfiles file manager: multi-file uploader and insert downloadable files in your content
- Video manager: Manage and embed remote videos from Youtube and Vimeo
- Video manager: Manage local video files and embed video in content with a responsive player
- Sound manager: Manage local sound files and embed them in content with a sound player
- Multi-column manager: create your own layout columns or use a pre-defined
- Droptables integration: Joomla table manager
- Button creation tool: Create button, save it and use it again
- Automatic summary: Add a summary based on content titles
- Anchor manager: easily anchor creation and load from the link manager
- Link manager: Add links to Joomla articles, categories and menus, to K2 categories and items, to Flexicontent categories and items
- One click link edition
- Import and export editor profile
- Import and export custom CSS styles
- Template manager to save your layout
- Bullet list editor: save and reload your list including list isons and style
- Word and HTML copy/paste manager (handle style import automatically)
- Setup a custom color panel for font colors
- Make a selection and add Google fonts to editors
- Editor design: Choose icons and editor color
- Advanced spellchecker
- Preview the content of an article with your template loaded
- JCE Editor plugin to link to the file manager files
- HTML code colored
- Visual style manager: Create your own css style and load it in editor
- Title style manager override tool
- Create edition profiles and define editor toolbar for each profile
- Editor profile with Joomla user group access restriction
- Restrict editor load by Joomla component
- Search and replace in text and code
- Version:
- 2.5.20
- Developer:
- JoomUnited
- Last updated:
Aug 01 2024
7 months ago - Date added:
- Mar 31 2015
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Registration:
- Yes
- Includes:
- c p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)