CMCouponListing, by CMExtension - Joomla Extension Directory


e-Commerce, Gifts & Coupons

CMCouponListing component gives you ability to setup a coupon listing site, where stores or merchants can register and submit their discount offers like coupon code, coupon image, discount activation link, affiliate link; this helps them promote their trademarks, promote their services and earn more sales.

License: GPL 2 or later

- Joomla! 3.9.x, 3.10.x, 4.x.x, 5.x.x: The latest stable release of Joomla! is always recommended for stability and security. Please check Joomla!'s Technical Requirements for more information.
- Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 5: Your site needs to have Bootstrap 4 or 5. If you don't use Bootstrap, you may need to override the output of CM Coupon Listing to add your own CSS classes.

Additional extensions:
- CMCouponListing Category List module: a module lists all categories.
- CMCouponListing Featured Merchants module: a module shows random featured merchants.
- CMCouponListing Search module: a module displays a search form.
- CMCouponListing Merchant Coupon plug-in: a plug-in for inserting merchant's coupons into Joomla! article or anywhere which supports "onContentPrepare" event hook.

Main features:


  • Support Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5.
  • Menu item for listing all coupons, coupons in specific categories.
  • Menu item for listing all categories and merchants in them.
  • Menu item for listing all merchants.
  • Coupons from featured merchants or featured coupons can be displayed on the top of coupon list.
  • Merchant's management area, where merchant edits profile and manages coupons.
  • Merchant can upload his/her own logo image.
  • Merchant can create, edit and delete his/her own coupons.
  • Registration form for user to sign up as a merchant.
  • Facebook, Twitter sharing for coupon and merchant.
  • Coupon detail page.
  • Support Joomla!'s access control. Coupon can be configured to available to a specific user group, this give you ability to deliver special coupons to special users, for example, users who pay for monthly fee to have access to special offers.
  • Merchant registration settings inherit from Users component's settings.
  • Merchant logo upload settings inherit from Media component's settings.
  • User feedback for working coupon and not working coupon.
  • Ask user for how much user saves (for example $50, 10€) and what user purchases if coupon works.
  • Ask user for the reason why coupon doesn't work.
  • User can post comment for coupon.
  • Print coupon or download coupon image (for printable coupon only).


  • Manage category, merchant, coupon.
  • Manage where coupon images and logo images are stored.
  • Enable or disable Facebook, Twitter buttons.
  • Enable or disable coupon detail page.
  • Control where users can get offers, in coupon listing page or in coupon detail page.
  • Manage users's votes.
  • Manage users's comments.
  • Ability to setup custom reasons for not working coupons.
  • Ability to setup currencies for asking how much user saves.
Everything I need for my purposes.
Ease of use
Very easy to work with.
Very rapid response. Fixed my issue immediately.
Well organized documentation.
Value for money
Definitely worth it.
I used this to: Our local Chamber of Commerce website.
In the frontend you get a nice listing of deals, sales and coupons. On a second site you can see all deals on a merchant page.
Ease of use
The frontend & backend usage is very simple & intuitive. The visitors understand the page at a glance and the admins like will love it.
The support works very fast and helpful. If you have special wishes, you get excellent help.
Value for money
The combination of a good presentation of the deals, the nice merchant sub pages and the simple backend, makes CMCouponListing very valuable
I used this to: I use CMCouponListing for a coupon an deal listing page on my Joomla website.
My vistors can take one of the coupons and save money with my affiliate merchant partners.
I have already conclude some sales more with the CM Coupon Listing component. :-)
Offers everything I need and expect from a coupon listing package. Has features that I will eventually implement.
Ease of use
Very intuitive and easy to use in the back end and for the visitor in the front end.
Hung offers the type of support you can only dream of, very very fast and has always given me a solution instantly, simply the best support.
Very professional and concise.
Value for money
The reliability, feature rich functionality of this software combined with the excellent support means I cannot rate this highly enough.
I used this to: I use this with CMDealAggregator also from the same developer on my deals and voucher site.
This extension does exactly what it promises. The developer has made sure the functionality doesn't confuse front-end users
Ease of use
By offering coupon codes as well as images, coupons are easily generated by merchants. Back-end maintenance is logical and straightforward
Can't speak highly enough of Hung. Even allowing for time differentials, issues are usually addressed within 24 hours
Full and concise documentation, easy to follow
Value for money
I've been using this extension for more than a year and can honestly say it ranks as one of the best value for money extensions I have found
I used this to: A community/directory website
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Last updated:
Jan 12 2024
1 year ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
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c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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