xbTipPop, by Roger Creagh-Osborne - Joomla Extension Directory


Tooltips, Editing, Editor Buttons, Article Elements, Popups & iFrames

Do you use Tooltips or Popovers? Would you like to make it easy to insert them when editing an article - even after you've got the text all done? Is it a hassle remembering the syntax? Do you want complete control over the style and placement of your tips and pops? Then Tip-Pop button is here to help you.

An editor extension button that works with both TinyMCE and JCE and allows you to simply highlight the content you want to have trigger a tooltip or popover, press the button and enter the text for the tooltip (or title and text for a popover). You can also set the placement (where it will popup), the trigger action (when you hover, click or focus on the content), and optionally classes to style both the tip or pop itself and the content that triggers it (it is good to give your readers a consistent visual clue as to where tooltips and popovers are located).

This doesn't require any content plugin, the html to create a tooltip is inserted directly into the editor so it should work with most extensions. Simple html can be included in the text (subject to editor restrictions). The downside is that to see or edit the popup text after inserting it at the moment you have to switch to code view.

You do need to be sure that your template is loading bootstrap (most are these days) and also add two lines to your template index.php file to load an included javascript file to tell bootstrap what class names to use as selectors to trigger tooltips and popovers.

You probably also want to add styles for both tooltip and popover - the bootstrap defaults are white text on a black background for tooltips and dark text on a grey background for popovers - better to have something that matches your site. A sample stylesheet is included which you can either load in index.php or use to adapt your own custom stylesheet. Full details of how to do this and how to set the selector classes are on the documentation page for the TipPop plugin.

The plugin does what it should do. It creates popovers and tooltips based on Bootstrap framework.
Ease of use
Easy to use and to config. But a row of code should be added to the template main file or, somehow, included into the template.
All ok. No support needed for me, but it seems to be available on the need.
All ok. No documentation needed for me, but it seems to be available on the need.
I used this to: I use this to display tooltips on a website of one of my clients.


By Roger Creagh-Osborne
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By Roger Creagh-Osborne
Education & Culture
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By Roger Creagh-Osborne
Maps & Locations
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By Roger Creagh-Osborne
Authoring & Content
xbRefMan component provides admin management and site views for references in articles. It uses the xbRefs Plugins which are included in the pacage xbRefMan is packaged together with the xbRefs Plugins - an editor button plugin and a content plugin for inserting reference and footnote information as shortcodes in articles. The reference information - title and description/citation can be embedde...


By Roger Creagh-Osborne
Authoring & Content
Joomla 5 version of xbArticle Manager is now available. The Joomla 3 component remains in place for those, like me, with J3 sites continuing for the foreseeable future. xbArticleMan aims to provide some useful additional tools for backend administration of Joomla content. It provides views for finding Images, Links, Shortcodes and Tags in, or associated with, com_content articles and checking th...


Roger Creagh-Osborne
Last updated:
Mar 13 2022
3 years ago
Date added:
Dec 29 2018
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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