DutyMan Integration for OS Membership Pro, by polc1410 - Joomla Extension Directory

DutyMan Integration for OS Membership Pro


This is a plugin that connects the popular DutyMan Website functions, used for scheduling your club's members to undertake duties involved in the running of your Club or organisation with the JoomDonations Membership Pro component which is sued for managing membership subscriptions.

This adds a tab to the Subscription Plan in Membership Pro which will allow you to select if a DutyMan Account should be created for the member when they subscribe to the plan and if they should be deleted from DutyMan if their membership expires. Note! Deletion of accounts will mean any allocated duty on the rota will be removed and restoration of their membership will not restore this. You may wish to consider use of our Fallback Plan Plugin in combination to delay deleting your members for a few weeks.

This plugin uses the DutyMan API, and Direct Database connection.



By polc1410
This is a Joomla Component which will import Sailing Event Resutls from a Sailwave Result File and automatically create a Joomla Article from them. After installation refer to the Webmaster Help page on the componet for the "install" sequence. This takes HTML files produced by the Sailwave Windows Client and converts them into Joomla Articles which can then be processed by other components in Jo...
Fallback Plan for OS Membership

Fallback Plan for OS Membership

By polc1410
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a plugin for JoomDonation's OS Membership Component. It adds a tab to the plan settings that lets you select an alternative (free) plan for your member to fallback to when their current plan expires. This allows reducing access without preventing future logins and will also allow other plugins to move someone onto a temporary status such as a temporary AcyMailer list or MailChimp List to...

DutyMan Integration for OS Membership Pro

Last updated:
Jun 23 2016
8 years ago
Date added:
Jun 18 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
Membership Pro

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System