Step by Step Instruction for K2, by CMExtension - Joomla Extension Directory

Step by Step Instruction for K2


K2 extensions

CM K2 StepByStep is a plugin for K2 component. The plugin helps you split K2 article into multiple pages.

CM K2 StepByStep is a plugin for K2 component. The plugin helps you split K2 article into multiple pages. The purposes of this are many, you can think of:

  • Make long article easy to read.
  • Make page load faster.
  • Drive more page views.
  • Drive more ads impressions.
  • Allow visitors get a quick impression of the length of the article.

The idea of this plugin is for tutorial articles which have many steps, similar to Instructables, but you can use the plugin for other kinds of article as well, for example for blogs like Diply.

CM K2 StepByStep plugin comes with another plugin (Finder - CMK2StepByStep). This plugin helps us delete the steps and the step’s images of a K2 item when the item is deleted.



  • Add, edit and delete steps.
  • Have unlimited images, videos, attachments for each step.
  • Supports Vimeo and Youtube videos.


  • Navigation options: go to previous step or next step, jump to specific step.
  • Ability to view the article in 1 single page.
  • Full screen zoom for step’s images.
  • Compatible with Bootstrap 2 and 3.

Technical Requirements

  • Joomla! 3.x.x: CM K2 StepByStep is NOT compatible with Joomla! 1.x.x or 2.x.x, only Joomla! 3.x.x is supported. Please check Joomla! 3's Technical Requirements for more information.
  • K2: CM K2 StepByStep was tested on K2 2.6.9 and 2.7.0. CM K2 StepByStep could be compatible with older versions of K2, but this is not tested yet.


You can try CMK2StepByStep at https://cmk2stepbystep-demo.cmextension.com/, for back-end demo you need to log into https://cmk2stepbystep-demo.cmextension.com/ with username "demo" and password "demo".


You can view documentation for CMK2StepByStep at http://cm-k2-stepbystep.readthedocs.org/

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Step by Step Instruction for K2

Last updated:
Jan 11 2024
1 year ago
Date added:
Feb 15 2016
GPLv2 or later
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Uses Joomla! Update System