Kunena Discuss, by Kunena Team - Joomla Extension Directory


Extension Specific

The Kunena Team is proud to release version 6.0.3 of our discussion plug-in for Kunena 6.2.x.

The Kunena Discuss plug-in enables you to add comments functionality to your website. Users can comment on any section, category, or article just like any commenting system, but user comments and discussions are stored in your Kunena forum (though displayed on your articles). Now you can have all of your user discussion in one place.

You can see the discussion plug-in live at http://www.kunena.org/blog

Works as advertised with some flexibility in the plugin options although more choices would be great the basics work very well.

-Topics are created automatically when you comment on an article.

-You can select permission levels, age of article and other perameters to control article creation.

-Even if you don't want to use the forums by themselves this plugin allows you to have a place to manage and control comments to the content on your site.

Thank you to the developers for this plug-in, and I look forward to contributing some more options in the near future.
here are step by step instructions how to set up this plugin:

1. install or upgrade to 1.7 kunena if possible

2. create a new category for every category for joomla articles just for the comments. ex - i have the following categories design 1 art 2 music 3 net 4 site 5 for my articles. so to have comments for all my article categories, i created categories in kunena discuss and used the mapping feature in the discuss plugin parameter settings. i created design feedback 6 art feedback 7 music feedback 8 net feedback 9 and site feedback 10. my mapping field looks like this: 5,10;1,6;2,7;3,8;4,9

3. YOU MUST PUBLISH THE COMMENT FORUMS in kunena or you will get a -load- you do not have permission even if you are a superdooper user!

4. here is how to fill out the rest:

Limit Posts - enter how many posts you want to see.

how you want your posts to behave:

Post Order

Show on Front

Show on Blog

Show on Other Pages

Enable Quick Reply

Quick Reply Location

Allow Custom Topics allow users you choose to create custom topics

Create Topic on the day you created it or last post made

Topic Must Start Within set this to 12 months to get it to show up. you have to choose a long enough time that will include all the articles in it.

Topic is Closed After when topic closes

Close Time Counted from when you created or posted last within the time above.

Content in First

Topic Owner leave this blank to use the author or if you chose the NO CUSTOM post option, put a user to serve as a default id when creating new topics.

Category Mapping explained in step 2

Default Forum Category is a kunena forum category of you choice. put an id of that forum here if you want to put all your discussions that dont have a home in this category.

Allowed Content Categories there has to be a number in the above field for this one to work. YOU MUST ENTER 0 to allow all categories. if you leave this blank, you are not going to define any categories.

Denied Content Categories - excluded categories

Show Debug Information this information is useless keep it off.

Debug User IDs see above

you know you have to have comments on your articles. this works and is def compatible with the latest joomla 1.7 and kunena. thank you deeply for this extension. beautiful and free!
Lack of documentation is a big downside to the product. Otherwise I really like it. The debugging is very helpful, so don't forget to turn it on if you are stuck.

Create a forum for your comments (I called mine Comments). Set the permissions to either public or registered. Don't forget to publish the forum after it is created.

Kunena Discuss Settings:

Allow Custom Topics: No

Topic Owner: (use the id of the admin)

Default Forum Catagory: (use the id of the Comments forum)

Allowed Content Catagories: 0 (all comments go to the comments forum)

You can map each catagory to a different forum if you want too, but I didn't need it for this.

I highly recommend this plugin as comments are not standard in Joomla.
It works and I like the idea but it took a while to setup correctly as it did not come with much info outside the tool tips inside the plug-in properties, Had to do some forum digging.

I mostly was looking for a comment system to work with HWDvideoShare & HWDphotoShare not so much articles and this is mostly for articles it seems to get it to work in HWD it needs code edits still and I was hoping to get away from doing many code edits in J16+.

I would advise new users to turn on the "Show Debug Information" option in the plug-ins settings when setting it up took me about 2 minutes to get it working once I turned that on.

Also be mindful of the "Topic Must Start Within" option if this isn't set long enough older articles won't be allowed to create forum post based off your chosen method "First Reply / First Visit"

I'll favorite it and check back later on, If you guys get it working with HWD Video & Photo Share without the need for code edits I'll install it again as I like the forum integration idea.

If your looking for article only commenting though it's perfectly fine with Kunena on J16.

Discuss did not work

Posted on 17 February 2011
Very simply, Discuss did not work. The documentation consisted of mouse-overs in the parameter section and was inadequate. Actual written documentation does not exist. Response on forum posts was very poor.

I am a big fan of the Kunena Forum plugin and it has worked extremely well, and I think Discuss could be a great addition when it achieves maturity.
I really, really hope this plugin will be converted to work with Joomla 1.6, because this is a wonderful plugin and i hope to use it someday with my J 1.6 website.

works ok but..

Posted on 30 December 2010
A good discuss bot, but as this plugin is Based on previous discussbot for kunena and fireboard I think all users can think that it should be compatible with previous version... or it's not the case :

my 2cents, kunena team work always hard to keep kunena to the top, very good but team have to think that there is a lot of users who have to do maintenance and upgrade from previous version to new one, and they should assure the maximum of backward compatibility, this is also the purpose of a good extension.
Owner's reply: Yes, for years before Kunena, there was a "discuss bot" hack for Fireboard that gave almost the same functionality. But, actually, the Kunena Discuss plug-in is rewritten for Kunena and it *does* import data from the older hacks to Fireboard.

If you need help with importing your data, we're happy to help you. Just post in the Kunena Discuss section of our forum (I see you are registered, but haven't asked for help yet):


Hopefully, we can help you out!

Great with 1 exception

Posted on 28 December 2010
Great plugin sure makes life in the forum a lot easier creates the topics for you this plunin does everything it sayes it does highly recomended. Only one little problem when you have it enabled on front page to show as a link or any blog type page for that matter it puts the link below the article spacer so it is crunched right on top of the next articles title. Should insert the link above the article spacer at least if not along side the read more.

Top Notch

Posted on 03 December 2010
This Plugin along with Joomla Content Plugin Support being turned on in Kenena backend is awesome!

The only downside so far is that is doesn't seem to work for my galleries.

Good but...

Posted on 17 September 2010
Kunena is great and this extension seems to be great too, but I can't find any download link anywhere not on the kunena website or in the forum.
Owner's reply: Our apologies for the missing link. We have updated the download site and added the Extensions and Modules link to it. In general you can find all our work on joomlacode.org - http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/kunena/frs/ - Hope this helps!


By Kunena Team
Kunena is the leading Joomla forum component. Downloaded more than 8M times in 11 years, Kunena is the only forum/discussion solution for Joomla that is community driven - true open source - public self-help forums, GitHub and documentation Wiki. The most recent stable release, recommended for production websites running J! 4.4/5.0/5.1/5.2, is Kunena 6.3.10 Details about changes in last release...
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By Kunena Team
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Kunena Discuss

Kunena Team
Last updated:
Nov 12 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
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Uses Joomla! Update System