Category Accordion for Virtuemart, by Jeyam Templates - Joomla Extension Directory

Category Accordion for Virtuemart


Accordion Menus, Virtuemart Categories, Style & Design, Design Tools, VirtueMart extensions

Great way to create smooth and responsive Virtuemart Category Accordions.

Category Accordion for Virtuemart is an elegant, flexible & user friendly, jQuery based multi-level category accordion module for Virtuemart with various options and easing effects. With the simplified settings and coloring options, you can create varieties of accordions on the fly.


  1. Clean and Responsive jQuery based Virtuemart Category Accordion.

  2. Creates toggle and self open/close accordions.

  3. Supports mouse click and hover events.

  4. Supports Multi-level and infinite level category accordion.

  5. You can exclude categories on accordion.

  6. Options to show or hide products count.

  7. You can change category ordering and it's direction.

  8. Open/Active a category by default(Current page category or selected category).

  9. Search engine friendly urls for categories.

  10. 450+ Font icons for open/close icons.

  11. Set delay time for open/close animations.

  12. Support multiple instances on same page.

  13. With backend options, you can make your own colors for the module.

  14. 30+ Easing effects for open/close animations.

  15. Can disable parent category links or all category links.

  16. Right To left (RTL) support.

  17. Bug-free, Secured and fully checked Joomla! module.

  18. Easy to implement, customize and extend.

  19. Cross browser compatible.

  20. 25+ Options to customize the look and feel.

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Category Accordion for Virtuemart

Jeyam Templates
Last updated:
Aug 09 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Oct 19 2018
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System