Disqus comments for Virtuemart, by Studio 42 - Joomla Extension Directory

Disqus comments for Virtuemart


VirtueMart extensions, Social Comments

This plugin add DISQUS to all your products, the easiest Way.
Download it, Edit the settings and Publish it (don't forget to make a disqus account).
Last step is to enable content plugin in VIrtuemart.
You are now ready to use Disqus in your Virtuemart Shop.

This plugin add DISQUS to all your products, the easiest Way.
Download it, Edit the settings and Publish it (don't forget to make a disqus account).
Last step is to enable content plugin in VIrtuemart.
You are now ready to use Disqus in your Virtuemart Shop.

google Sitemap for virtuemart

google Sitemap for virtuemart

By Studio 42
VirtueMart extensions
Easy add your products and categories sitemap in Google webmastertools with this component. Setting Free Go to your virtuemart 2+ SiteMap component, all your virtuemart language are displayed and you have only to click the links to preview the XML file or copy the text in the input box and paste it to google. The code is improved to minimise your server memory needs und run at maximum Speed....
Switch language in product for Virtuemart
Paid download

Switch language in product for Virtuemart

By Studio 42
VirtueMart extensions
Automatical associate language(s) for all your product, categories and manufacturer having translation in your shop. Only to do is adding a menu link to your VIrtuemart home page. Use the same render and Flags as Joomla Core, this mean that most of time, you have only to unpublish the core language module and set the virtuemart language switcher in the same position in your template! Better SEO...
Trustpilot Auto Mail For Virtuemart 3
Paid download

Trustpilot Auto Mail For Virtuemart 3

By Studio 42
Ratings & Reviews
Trustpilot auto mailer directly send mail to trustpilot when a customer order and the one of the selectable order status is set by your, the paiement or by the checkout. You can send old orders too, on changing the order statut to an used one(eg. statut :review on trustpilot), so you dont need to manually export it with another tool. Very easy to configure, only add your trustpilot business mail a...

Disqus comments for Virtuemart

Studio 42
Last updated:
Jan 11 2015
10 years ago
Date added:
Jan 11 2015
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System