Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart, by Joomla-Service - Joomla Extension Directory

Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart

1 review


This plugin monitors purchases in Virtuemart.

This easy-to-use plugin allows you to report back your VirtueMart transactions to Google Analytics !


The plugin is installed via the Joomla! installer. After installation enable the plugin and write your Google Analytics ID

Supported languages: English

No support!

Posted on 10 April 2024
There was an issue with sending information about transaction to the GA in 5.6.0 version. Newer fixed.
Ease of use
Use is easy but I bought buggy version which was never been fixed.
Practically no support! They replied me that it's a bug and they working on a fix. But than they stopped responding even after many reminder
Value for money
Half broken plugin with no warranty or support. Value for money is low.
I used this to: Ecommerce website Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart
Owner's reply: He's lying. This person did not contact support.
Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for JoomShopping
Paid download

Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for JoomShopping

By Joomla-Service
JoomShopping extensions
Plugin Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for JoomShopping This easy-to-use plugin allows you to report back your JoomShopping transactions to Google Analytics ! Installation: The plugin is installed via the Joomla! installer. After installation enable the plugin and write your Google Analytics ID Supported languages: English System requirements: Joomla! 3.x.x, JoomShopping 4.x.x...
Ecommerce Tracking Yandex Metrika for JoomShopping
Paid download

Ecommerce Tracking Yandex Metrika for JoomShopping

By Joomla-Service
JoomShopping extensions
This is a plugin for the JoomShopping component - e-commerce Yandex Metrics Thanks to this plugin, you can track the actions related to e-commerce in Yandex Metrics Transmitted data in Yandex Metric: detail - (A view of product details) add - (Adding items to the cart - What items have been added to the cart by the buyer) remove - (Removal of goods from the shopping cart by the buyer) purchase -...
Ecommerce Tracking Yandex Metrika for VirtueMart
Paid download

Ecommerce Tracking Yandex Metrika for VirtueMart

By Joomla-Service
JoomShopping extensions
This is a plugin for the VirtueMart component - e-commerce Yandex Metrika Thanks to this plugin, you can track the actions related to e-commerce in Yandex Metrika Transmitted data in Yandex Metrika: detail - (A view of product details) add - (Adding items to the cart - What items have been added to the cart by the buyer) remove - (Removal of goods from the shopping cart by the buyer) purchase - (...

Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart

Last updated:
Jun 08 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Mar 25 2016
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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