
Related Items, Latest News, Articles Display, Popular Content

Extranews plugin: Older,Newer,Related,Random,Popular,Lastest and Same Author Articles

The original plugin for Joomla 1.5 - 3 has been created by Viet NguyenHoang but is not available online anymore.

Peter v.d. Hulst has adapted the plugin for Joomla 4+, including some bug fixing and enhancement also for Joomla 3.

- Display a list below the article with Related (based on Meta Keywords in all categories), Older, Newer, Random, Popular (based on hits), Lastest and Same Author Articles.
- The images in the list are displayed as a tooltip (and stored in a cache directory).
- The display in the list can be customised easily.
- Categories and articles can be included or excluded from the display in the plugin settings and/or in the articles using: {extranews}listoff{/extranews}
- NEW in J4+ (V5.4.0) Archived articles can be in- or excluded (for registered users: it can be selected to display archived articles always)
- Also inline display is possible using tags {extranews).... {/extranews} in an article
{extranews items="5" title= "Related articles:" related
months_new="24" term="joomla,extension" }related{/extranews}
- NEW in 5.3.0 & 4.6.0: archived articles can be included or excluded (default) in the plugin parameters.
- NEW in 5.4.0: Show archived articles for registered users: 1. As non-registred users, 2. Always
- NEW in 5.5.0: Turkish language files added (thanks Mehmet Taş)

See the documentation for more examples.

*Remark: The original guidance/document is not available anymore.

Suggestions are always welcome from our reviewers!



By Peter v.d. Hulst
Content infos
ContentNotifier is the successor of jContentStatus (1.5 plugin) (thanx Josh Prakash for the idea !) Plugin to display New and Updated gif files from anywhere in a content or automaticly at the beginning of the article. The plugin enables the webmaster to display nice looking light weight gif files to notify the users where the contents has been updated or newly created. Just put the given syntax w...
Dropdown Last Modified

Dropdown Last Modified

By Peter v.d. Hulst
Articles Display
This module displays a dropdown list with the last modification date on as dropdown text. Upon selection, the article is retrieved. The list is sorted on modification date from recent to older. Optional modification date can be shown before or after the article title or alias in the dropdown list. The module is an extension ('fork') from the module Dropdown Articles from Andrea Forgieri. It has t...


Peter v.d. Hulst
Last updated:
Aug 07 2024
1 month ago
Date added:
Aug 24 2023
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System