
Google Ads, Marketing, Downloads, Text & Link Ads, Popups & iFrames

WordPress has been used from Marketers for a long time because of the handy plugins that can automate tasks for them and grow their reader base.
It is time for some of the tools to be available for Joomla as well - there are over 400 000 Joomla websites built and used but Marketing automation is definetely lagging behind.

Lead Magnet for Joomla is the perfect content upgrade or bait opt-in for every Marketer.

You are getting the following:
* Collect user's email addresses in exchange to a Download.
* Users are silently registered to your website so you can further communicate with them.
* Sort users who assign into Joomla groups.
* Unlimited Download offers.
* Form or Pop up email collection.
* Multiple modules published anywhere on your website.

New in version 1.0.3 (10/07/2015)
+ New module parameters: Show name, Popup Background, Font color.
+ Pop up background images.
+ File download link in email with expiration instead of allowing download instantly.
+ Social Share icons with Thanks message after form submission.
+ Live update at the back end.

Taxi Booking
Paid download

Taxi Booking

Booking & Reservations
Taxi Booking is suitable for - Metered taxi services, Limo and Private hire pre-booked fixed fares, Hourly car hire, Shuttle and Bus ticket sales. Taxi Booking is fully responsive bot at the front end and back end as well. There are many configuration areas of Taxi Booking: Settings, Payment methods, POI Categories, Points of Interest, Cars, Tariffs, Special routes, Shuttle routes, Private tours...
Share Cost
Paid download

Share Cost

New Price - 50% less at the moment. From the creators of Taxi Booking for Joomla here is Share Cost - crowdfunding for Joomla. Ideal for software developers, artistic types, local improvement projects, charities. Note: This is not an extension that will help you running a crowd funding portal. It is for single organization use to get their Seed funding and crowd source some opinions on new idea... payment for Taxi Booking
Paid download payment for Taxi Booking

Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a payment plugin to accept Credit Cards through This payment plugin is for Taxi Booking extension for Joomla and will not work on it's own or for any other extension....
Taxi Booking Light
Paid download

Taxi Booking Light

Booking & Reservations
Taxi Booking Light is a lightweight version of the famous Taxi Booking for Joomla extension. With Taxi Booking Light you can start selling your transportation services on your website in minutes. Taxi Booking Light has the same front end booking form as Taxi Booking for Joomla, as well as a back-end management panel for Cars, Settings and Orders. Taxi Booking Light can be extended with online paym...

Lead Magnet

Last updated:
Jul 10 2015
9 years ago
Date added:
May 22 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System