PrayerCenter, by Mike Leeper - Joomla Extension Directory


Living, Religion

NEW!! PrayerCenter 3.0.6 is now available for Joomla 3.x.

The PrayerCenter Component provides users of a website with the capability to share their prayer concerns with others. Prayer concerns can be posted to the website, sent to members of the prayer chain, and sent to the Spiritual director or pastor. Users can subscribe to be members of the prayer chain via online form.

Translations available in the following languages (others being developed):
-Brazillian Portuguese

CAPTCHA security image verification and email confirmation approval capabilities including new ReCaptcha support.

Community Builder integration.

JComments integration for prayer responses.

Good solid extension with everything needed to run a good prayer request site.
Ease of use
Very simple to install and setup. Setup is an over-glorification as there's little to configure and, even w/o dox it would be easy.
Non-existent. I found a note from the dev saying he was moving in other directions and wasn't sure if he'd (ever) be able to support again.
Couldn't find any, though it isn't really needed. The is a GitHub page for posting questions, but these haven't been answered in years.
I used this to: Pray request site. Devotionals links are broken so you will need to replace with your own RSS links to others. It allows up to 10 feeds, the extension refuses to allow more than 2 to be added on the backend. Styling is a little clunky and some user-definable items are hard-coded.
I have to agree with previous posters. The potential of this component is amazing, but it seems that the developers have abandoned ship. Support is ZERO! I didn't even bother to support a request, as the questions I had... have also gone unanswered in the existing forum. The bugs are serious ones, and really need to be addressed as it relates to Joomla 2.5.x. I just uninstalled the component after certain functions stopped working, suddenly. I'm going to try a reinstall one more time, and then if I can't fix it. That's it for me. I would PAY for a component like this if ONLY those who developed it seemed to care...
Owner's reply: My appologies for the lack of support. I am the only developer for PrayerCenter. I am currently serving in the missions field. I have little time/access to offer any kind of support but hope to soon. We will see what the future holds. If you would send me a detailed email through the website, I will try to find you a solution to your issue, time permitting. God bless!


Posted on 10 October 2013
Overall this extension has some great potential, but there is a lot of work to do and no one seems to care about supporting those with questions and issues. The forums are, for all intents and purposes useless and dead. Might as well uninstall them. Zero support and zero documentation. There are people posting issues that have gone unanswered for months and years! It's sad too, because with just a little effort this could be something spectacular. Here are is issues that I found ... Poor look and feel throughout the component with overly large buttons and lack of proper spacing between elements, frankly it just looks sloppy; no way to change the intro text on the main component page; issues with recaptcha; commentary very buggy on page refreshes; cannot completely disable commentary (drop-down remains after turning it off); several options on the back-end do not seem to be supported or are no longer working ... the list goes on. Many of these would probably be minor for the developers to fix, but since there is no support I have no choice but to post my issues here.

Great Extention!

Posted on 14 February 2013
Although it was a little complicated to download (SO many files!), it was well-worth it! This does exactly what I want it to do. I also would like to change the verbiage in the PrayCenter. I learned VERY quickly...don't mess with the language file where this is contained. And there' something I don't understand...the menu module creates a customizable menu that can be nicely placed on the sidebar. So why have the menu embedded in the text...and it is not customizable??? Overall adds a great feature to our church website. &&& I really appreciate the author's spiritual contribution to his work! Nice!
I first installed this module about 6 weeks ago, and it worked almost perfectly from the start. Had a slight hitch in printing the daily and weekly reports, but the developer (Mike) answered my forum posts promptly, and I just installed his update which works exactly as it should. This is the only component I've found that really does what this one does - it will be a great tool for our church and people. Thanks and God bless your continued work.


Posted on 11 June 2012
This is in reference to version 2.5.1, running on Joomla 2.5.4. At this point, I

wish I could provide this module a better

review as it seems to have great potential. But, the submit prayer request

does not seem to work when enabling recaptha. It always complains about the

code entered is incorrect. There is also

a NOAUTH error that seems to loop and

then just stops (thankfully, I guess)

The other concern (sorry guys) is the Forum should just as well be nonexistent. You can run through the

forum and pretty quickly find out that a)

questions are almost older than dirt,

and b) there are very few of the

questions that have replies to them. And

in the cases where there are replies, it

is usually one or 2 of them, and most

are replies are pleas for assistance with

no solutions provided.

Finally, if you are going to publish a

product, then give it some support, even

if that support is going to "YOUR" forums

once a week and responding to requests that have not been answered by the

forum community. People will spend a

lot time trying to get a module to work

if it even looks like it is worth a grain

of salt, just to have to give up on it

and move on to something less desirable

only because there is very little to NO

support for that module. : (
This is what I am looking for. But a documentation is missing, I wish you can post a tutorial so I can install it since im not a coder!

thank you!

Great extention on J1.5

Posted on 22 April 2012
This is an excellent extension. Installation was simple and fast on J1.5

However so far unable to install on J2.5.x keep getting "Install: File does not exist" Error installing component. Yes we unzipped the first archive
Thus far the extension is workable with a little digging in to customize. What is lacking I feel is a community of support for those who have been using this longer as the support is very limited on the developers site. This is an exceptional tool like none other if you have the need. But customization takes knowing where code lives in the files and if you are not a code person there will be difficulty. Support from code users to help newbies would be great.

Love this, BUT ...

Posted on 08 February 2012
The old version on 1.5 worked very well, we've received over 30k request without a problem. Where redeveloping our site in 1.7 and it fails on install and all menu links open in a page with a PHP "Encoding_Error_".

I've emailed the arthur countless times and have never received a response. I would give this 5 stars, but I can't get it to work or correctly install, and support is non-existent.

I hate to look for other alternatives.


By Mike Leeper
Creates links to bible references in your Joomla content items on your site and any components that support content plugins. Clicking on the resulting link will display the verse(s) utilizing BibleGateway's online bible database. Optional audio and comment links as well. Table included to reference over 75 different bible versions and languages....


Mike Leeper
Last updated:
Oct 18 2019
5 years ago
Date added:
Mar 18 2007
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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