Ideal Directory, by jfitex - Joomla Extension Directory


Map Directions

Ideal Directory is a Joomla! extension which allows you to create a directory of business on your site. You'll be able to create a structured directory with all the business/location information and your website visitors will be able to either navigate using the directory or the interactive map.

Key features:

Business information with Schema.org integration for better SEO, including, but not limited to:
- Business Name;
- Contact Person;
- Address;
- Telephone / Mobile;
- Store/business hours;
- Logo;

Google Maps integration:
- Geolocation: The site visitor might choose to let the browser inform his location for better usability;
- Auto Complete search box using the Places API;
- Provide user directions from his location to the Business/store in the directory using Google Directions Service;

Server-side Clustering, which calculates the cluster in the server-side and loads to the user using AJAX technology. This is much faster than traditional Javascript clusters, especially when loading thousands of map markers at the same time;
Map sidebar sections are customizable, meaning you can add other related modules,saving space and making it easier for your users;
Business image gallery using CSS only (no Javascript), which means it is lighter, faster and responsive;
For high traffic websites the store map will be shown upon a click in order to increase website speed and specially to avoid Google Maps API usage fees;
Business Contact Form, using Joomla! Custom Form Fields; For greater flexibility, you can add any number of Form Fields to the business contact form;
Automatic SEF URLs, compatible with Joomla! SEF options. There's no need for a third party component/plugin;
Compatibility with Joomla! core captcha plugins, therefore you can use any captcha plugin you'd like;

Ideal Directory

Last updated:
May 18 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
May 13 2019
GPLv2 or later
Free download

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