
Location Map will show a map for a specified location.
It is available in a Joomla 1.0.x and a native 1.5.x version.
The module uses the Google Maps API (for which you can request a free key for your website). Version 1.5 makes the display consistent in various browsers and has some XHTML validation improvements.

The module has the following parameters:
- Google Maps key
- Possibility show more one marker on map
- Map Center - latitude
- Map Center - longitude
- Zoom Level
- Latitude for marker
- Longitude for marker
- Width of map (px)
- Height of map (px)
- Text Message for marker
- Show Map Type Menu (Map-Satellite-Hybrid), yes or no
- Show Map Controls (Up-Down-Left-Right), yes or no

The advantage of having the maps in a module is that you can copy the module in the Joomla backend. Thus you can have many different maps with different configurations on your site. You can then load these modules in your content pages using {loadposition position}. You will need a key from Google Maps for the module to work. You can request a Google Maps key (free of charge) from

just good!

Posted on 07 June 2012
This is Perfect for my Website!

Blessings be upon you and your great company.

Thanks a Lot!

Very useful

Posted on 07 June 2012
This extension is just amazing!

Thank you!

Badly written

Posted on 18 August 2008
Before I install any extension, I usually examine the source code and in this case it's the reason why I don't recomend the module.

Although the module is very easy (it only sets few params), it uses iframes and inserts JavaScripts directly insted of using standard JoomlaDocument methods.

There are lots of other GoogleMap modules worth trying.
Owner's reply: AndrewH can't found error. So wrote some thing badly. Only for show self.

Location Map

Andrey Kvasnevskiy and Nikolay Salionovych
Last updated:
Jun 23 2016
8 years ago
Date added:
Dec 22 2007
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System