
xbMaps is a Joomla3 component to display maps and GPX tracks. A map can have many (or no) tracks and markers, and tracks and markers can appear on many maps. Maps are rendered using leaflet-js and its plugins for controls etc. Tracks are uploaded in GPX format. Markers can use either default pins, images or fontawesome5 icons.
There are many configuration options for the display of items. Full use is made of the Joomla built in tagging system so tags can be shared with articles and other components.
A companion Content Plugin plg_content_xbmaps is also now available which allows a map to be embedded in an standard Joomla article by means of a shortcode. See the xbmaps homepage for more details and to download.
- an editor button plugin is in development to make entering shortcodes for embedding maps easier to create whilst editing an article.
- there are no current plans for a Joomla4 version as I have no plans to migrate any of my sites to Joomla4 before the internet runs out of power.
- Version:
- 1.1.0
- Developer:
- Roger Creagh-Osborne
- Last updated:
Dec 27 2021
3 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 09 2021
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- c
- Compatibility:
- J3