Zh OpenStreetMap, by Dmitry Zhuk - Joomla Extension Directory


Component for dispaying maps by Leaflet library. You can also use module and plugin.

You can
* create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks
* multilingual interface
* configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type...)
* markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code
* you can use contact and user information in placemarks
* you can use OpenTopoMap layer
* you can use plugin to call from K2 items
* you can add custom map types and use it
* you can create polygons (areas), circles and polylines
* you can create different layers
* you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping when map zoom out)
* import data from Zh GoogleMap and Zh YandexMap
* you can set labels for placemarks, with its styles
* you can use placemark table view or placemark details view
* third party content plugins work in some description fields
* you can display placemark information in popup on tabs
* you can specify KML Layer for map (field on map tab), just write URL for KML
* you can also display not only one KML Layer, but also GPX, GeoJSON and control its behavior
* you can manage KML Layers (show|hide it by its list menu)
* you can group placemarks and show|hide all group with addition control
* you can create overview map for K2 items, to show K2 items on map
* you can import your placemarks from CSV file
* you can visualize your data from the other databases
* you can create overview map for articles, to show articles on map
* you can use data for article overview map to show your map in an article, ie just define position in article fields and call plugin
* you can set rate for your placemarks
* you can show Elevation for KML and GPX files

Developed using Leaflet
Developed for Joomla 3/4/5

You should keep in mind - the extension archive is more than 2M: The File Size Upload Limit (uploadmaxfilesize) on your Web Server might be set to low to allow larger files to be uploaded. By default PHP allows files up to 2 MB.

Lots of functionality to create complex self-hosted maps.
Would be good to have the ability to switch between various map layers.
Ease of use
It has loaded with huge number of functionality - and so, options.
Not easy to find the right triggers to make it working as you want.
Really excellent support on the developer forum! Helped to solve all the difficulties with great speed.
It's big and maybe it covers everything, but it's not always clear what is really necessary to make some things working.
I used this to: Personal site about travels. Has an overview map that contains tracks (150+ of them) of all the trips with links.
If doing similar, beware to optimize the track size (minified and filtered JSON, not GPX)!


Posted on 05 December 2020
I can´t use it because the Download-Link is broken! Hope, you will fix this!
Ease of use
I can´t use it because the Download-Link is broken! Hope, you will fix this!
I can´t use it because the Download-Link is broken! Hope, you will fix this!
I can´t use it because the Download-Link is broken! Hope, you will fix this!
I used this to: I can´t use it because the Download-Link is broken! Hope, you will fix this!
Owner's reply: Very strange.
I can download, link is correct.
PS if my link was incorrect, JED would unpublish extension.
I am very impressed by the numerous possibilities to configure this extension.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and configuration with the demo website of Zh is easy going.
Great and immediate support, even on Sundays.
The developer is constantly working on updates and improvements of the extension.
I used this to: I use it for many client websites and I am completely satisfied.
I needed a map that offered support for a kml layer.Once I got that to work I explored the additional features and was impressed.
Ease of use
Very easy to use. Just install and manage your data and menu items/modules like most other Joomla components.
The support is exceptional. The developer went above and beyond to not only answer my questions but add functions I requested.
What you can find on the extensive support area, you will find in the forum.
I used this to: I have a site where we manage areas of our county with different volunteers and I needed a way for people to see what area had volunteers (and how to contact them) and what areas needed volunteers and how to do that. I am beyond thrilled to have found this.
Very diverse addon with lots of functions, functionality and great support from Dmitry the developer
Ease of use
Many function make it complex, thou it is still easy enought to get to a quick simple result.
Great for many applications.
Great support from the developer, even extended the functionality to suit my application.
I used this to: AufzumHorizont. ch
A private non profit travel site, to show people places that we have been fortunate enough visit.


Posted on 28 February 2019
Adsolutely great extension. Works realy fine.
Ease of use
Realy easy to use.
In most cases forum helps with issues.
Not full, but very usefull.
I used this to: I use this for my friends site instead of zhgooglemap.
Owner's reply: Thanks Denis.
I hope I'll add all features which I have in Zh GoogleMap untill to May. I definitely hope to do that. A lot of tasks, but I step by step to do it, moreover adding new features.
I agree with you for my docs, but in my first task - to implement exist feature (because docs for Zh GoogleMap is enough to undestand what to get result or use parameter)

Just perfect

Posted on 10 November 2018
This extension is very complete and always updated
Ease of use
Very simple to use for such a complete extension
Support is better than professional : quick answer, a real listening of wishes.

Great extension

Posted on 28 October 2018
Thanks to develo this great extension!
Ease of use
It would be great explain a little bit more what's every option cause sometimes is'nt enought clear
Great support, thanks Dimitri for the forum

Always great !

Posted on 16 October 2018
Same as ZHGooglemap but with OpenStreetMap. Same quality, functions are recreated by Dima step by step. GREAT !
Ease of use
You know ZHGooglemap, it is the very exact same : you can also import your previous map in this new component !
The forum is quite managed by Dima alone and you have answer very quickly (1-2 hours usually for my own).
You have a full documentation for ZHGooglemap : this is the exact same thing for ZHOpenStreetmap : full documentation on line.
I used this to: Transform all my previous Googlemap to OpenStreetmap by need to keep operationnal maps after the change in Googlemap (limitations from June,25 2018). I can have my previous map working "correctly" again !
The component is going to evolve in the next week... THANKS TO DIMA !
Zh GoogleMap

Zh GoogleMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Google Maps v3 service. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control, Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, Traffic Layer, Bicycle Layer, Transit Layer) * create any routes (use Directions API) and...
Zh YandexMap

Zh YandexMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Yandex Maps service. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control, Toolbar, Search Control, Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, MiniMap, Traffic Control) * create any routes (use route API) and pat...
Zh BaiduMap

Zh BaiduMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Baidu Maps service. You can also use plugin. The Module will be available in nearest future. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * configurate many map settings * create any paths (use polylines) * set you custom image on placemark * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping...

Zh OpenStreetMap

Dmitry Zhuk
Last updated:
Feb 12 2025
1 month ago
Date added:
Sep 20 2018
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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