Aimy Video Embedder PRO, by Aimy Extensions - Joomla Extension Directory


Video Players & Gallery, GDPR

Aimy Video Embedder allows you to embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo in your articles and at module positions.

It is easy to set up, customize and use. Various options can be set for the embedded videos, depending on the video service used (i.e. width and height).

The PRO version additionally supports:

  • responsive video embedding
  • embedding playlists (YouTube)
  • setting options per video
  • individual sizes per video
  • lazy loading of videos
  • two-click mode (EU privacy mode) With the EU privacy mode, a placeholder is shown instead of the video. The visitor has to click to load the video. This way no data is transferred automatically and you get the chance to inform the visitor about your privacy policy.

Information on the two-click mode

What is the problem with video embedding and the GDPR?

According to the GDPR (EU privacy law) users have to agree to collecting
personal data. The IP address is a personal date and is transferred by the
visit of the website.
If you embed videos - for example from YouTube - you additionally send
data to YouTube. As in this case the data is transferred to a third
, data protectors think, it is best to inform the user before
transfering the data.

Besides that video plattforms use cookies. Usually, even if your user does
not watch the video, cookies are already set just when visiting the page.

GDPR friendly embedding

One possibility to embed videos GDPR friendly is to use a
two-click solution:
Instead of loading content from the video platform, a placeholder is shown
that additionally gives the possibility to inform about it.

A second option for the video platform YouTube is to
use the privacy-enhanced mode.
With this mode, the video is provided from a different server
This way, YouTube does not set a cookie to your user's browser.
At least not if the user does not watch the video but only visits the website.

In any case to be compliant to the GDPR, you have to add a paragraph on
using videos from YouTube or another platform in your privacy statement.

Information on video lazy loading

If videos are embedded on a website they usually cause longer loading times.
To keep your website fast and increase page speed, you can use
lazy loading for videos.

Lazy loading means that the video is not loaded directly when the page is
visited. It is only loaded on demand when the user scrolls to it.

This way the initital loading time is optimized and helps to improve
your website performance and usability.

To use lazy loading for videos on your website, just activate the feature
in the plugin options.

Please note that this feature is not necessary if the two-click mode is
enabled. With the two-click mode the video is not loaded anyway until the
placeholder is clicked.

Especially the lazyload and the responsive features are very helpfull. Google Pagespeed is very happy now ;-)
Ease of use
Plug and play... Actually a self-explaining plugin. No open questions.
Instant and friendly response when I wrote an email with a request.
Only necessary if getting a bit deeper in. Straight forward with easy understandable examples.
Value for money
Absolutely,- was working with the "Sourcerer" Component before with lots of coding...
I used this to: I am embedding many Youtube videos on my travel related webpage.
Sehr schön, wenn man seine Webseite DSGVO-Konform halten möchte.
Ease of use
Plugin-Settings sehr übersichtlich gestaltet und leicht zu verstehen.
Hervorragender und freundlicher Support, der sogar das Plugin auf meine Anfrage hin angepasst hat.
Kurze und übersichtliche Dokumentation, die keine Fragen offen lässt.
Value for money
Für knapp 10€ und Updates für ein Jahr, sowie quasi Echtzeit-Support. TipTop.
I used this to: Eine Club-Webiste, welche Online-Rennen streamt und daher die Einbindung via Youtube benötigt.
This plugin transforms Videos into 2-Click Boxes and makes them GDPR compliant
Ease of use
I used another Plugin before which used the same plugin code, so I could just install this one as a replacement and all my videos were fine
I asked for multilingual support of the replacement text and I got the plugin updated the same day!
You actually don't need a doc, its easy to use - You actually don't need a doc, its easy to use
Value for money
Generally, the aimy plugins are good value / money, what I honestly miss is something like a client area where I have an overview of my subsc
I used this to: An enterprise website where I show lots of youtube videos - An enterprise website where I show lots of youtube videos


Posted on 22 November 2021
It works as it promises. The functionality of this extension is very effective. It's the solution I've been looking for for years.
Ease of use
Easy to use and customizable with several simple options. The plugin control panel has some very easy to use tabs.
Very good support, I asked for explanations on how to optimize the use of the extension and they replied very quickly.
The documentation is also clear and well done. They also provide video tutorials.
Value for money
Little money and very well spent. We all know how important the loading speed of sites is.
I used this to: I have an ecommerce site that sells video tutorials, so page loading speed is very important.
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Aimy Video Embedder

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Aimy Video Embedder allows you to embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo in your articles and at module positions. It is easy to set up, customize and use. Various options can be set for the embedded videos, depending on the video service used (i.e. width and height). For more options and a GDPR friendly embedding of videos have a look at the PRO version!...
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Aimy Video Embedder PRO

Aimy Extensions
Last updated:
Oct 15 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
Jun 15 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :
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J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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