Just a Blog, by ADETA - Joomla Extension Directory


Frontend News, News Display, Blog, Articles Display, Articles styling

Just a Blog FREE module - free blog Joomla! module / extension shows articles from one or more categories in nice blog view.

There are many Blog components available for Joomla, but how to deal with the situation if it is necessary to display a set of filtered articles like a small block (blog element) on a page, if another component is already used on this page?

Or do you want to post links in an article to other related articles in the form of a small blog?

Maybe you want to display only 1 or 2 latest articles vertically in the sidebar of the site?

In the first case, using the Just a Blog module, you can now add this module to the desired page.
In the second case, this Just a Blog module can be placed in an article with the standard Joomla option {loadmoduleid moduleId} (replace moduleId with Your module ID) or by using one of the Joomla extensions that allow a standard module to be placed in an article.

- IN ARTICLE BODY: as nice formatted links to other articles
- IN SIDEBAR: as nice formatted links to other articles
- BELOW ARTICLE: as nice formatted links to other articles in the same category
- LIKE AS SECOND COMPONENT: as nice formatted links to articles in blog view

- SHOWS ARTICLES IMAGE, TITLE AND INTROTEXT: Shows unlimited articles count from one or more / unlimited count of categories. Always centered and fully cover article image block.
- ARTICLES LINK AND ORDERING: Article link throughout the whole article block. Articles ordering by: recently added, recently modified, recently published, recently touched, random.
- ARTICLES LAYOUT: Responsive layout based on Bootstrap, Equal height of article images, equal height of article blocks, max. 3 columns for large screens (4 for PRO).
- ARTICLES IMAGE AND ALT TAG: Article intro image always centered and fully cover article image block. Article intro image Alt tag used.
- BACKGROUND IMAGE: Can be set for whole module.
- MULTILINGUAL SUPPORT: You can use one module for all site languages. You just need to add the appropriate article categories from all or required languages. Joomla! will do the rest by itself - it will show only the articles marked in the respective language from the categories marked in the respective language.

- Unlimited articles count
- Unlimited category count
- Module shows an article image
- Module shows an article title
- Module shows an article introtext
- Articles filtering by one or more categories inclusive or exclusive
- Articles filtering by Author
- Artcles filtering by status: Published, Archived or both
- Link to the article throughout the article block
- Equal height of article items
- Equal height of article image
- Articles ordering (Recently added, recently modified, recently published, recently touched, random)
- Max columns for large screens: 3 (4 in PRO)
- Article image always centered and fully cover article image block
- Article introtext image Alt tag is used as article image Alt tag
- Module background image
- No JavaScript
- Multilingual support
- Joomla! update system implemented

Minimum Joomla! version - 4.2

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Just a Blog

Last updated:
Mar 04 2025
1 week ago
Date added:
Mar 04 2024
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System