TC Price Table, by ThemeChoice.com - Joomla Extension Directory


Mobile Display, Tables & Lists

TC Price table is a component and module for creating responsive price tables and plans for your Joomla CMS website.

TC Price Table displays responsive pricing tables on your website. Easily generate pricing tables dynamically with a simple and easy to use admin interface. Use your own custom colors to match any color scheme to match your website template. TC Price Tables comes with a Joomla component and module. The module allows you to add pricing tables virtually anywhere on your website that you want. You can create multiple categories of pricing tables.

*Mobile Friendly Responsive Design
*Custom colors for each section
*Display skills in 3 formats
*Set how many tables per row
*CSS3 hover effects

ThemeChoice Portfolio
Paid download

ThemeChoice Portfolio

By ThemeChoice.com
TC Portfolio Module is a highly customizable jQuery Plugin to present your Joomla Content, K2 Items or Images Folder in a dynamic grid view. TC Portfolio Module is a highly customizable jQuery Plugin to present your Joomla Content, K2 Items or Images Folder in a dynamic grid view. It uses the power of jQuery to present your pics in a grid layout with a fancybox lightbox (custom set width or 100%...
TC Quick Contact Form

TC Quick Contact Form

By ThemeChoice.com
Contact forms
TC Quick Contact Form is a free simple responsive module that displays only the fields that you need for your visitors to get in contact with you. There are 6 fields that can be shown or hidden and you can set if they should be mandatory or not. Google Recapchta version 2.0 is built in to eliminate spam submissions. Use this module for basic contact, quote requests, demo requests, or any other...

TC Price Table

Last updated:
Mar 21 2016
8 years ago
Date added:
Dec 05 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System