OpenExchangeRates Currency For VirtueMart
This currency plugin for VirtueMart 3 uses the services of This plugin supports a wide range of world currencies in a fast, reliable and secure way and also implements an effective cache system, so all currency requests get cached and the upcoming recuests are handled locally to speed up the conversion process. The default cache lifetime is 6 hours, but this can be easily configured to fit your needs.
This plugin works even at the moment of choosing the payment method in the checkout process. To take a look at our payment plugins, click here
Installation Instructions:
Install the plugin using Joomla! extensions installer
Access VirtueMart configuration page (Components->VirtueMart->VirtueMart Configuration)
Click the "Shop" tab
In the field "Select a currency converter module" select "convertOPENEXCHANGERATES.php" option
Save the changes
Access your store profile configuration (Components->VirtueMart->Shop Profile)
Choose all supported currencyes by your shop in the field "List of accepted currencies"
You can optionally publish the standard VirtueMart currency selector module to give your customers the ability to choose the currency for product display
Configuration Instructions:
Connect thorugh FTP to administrator/components/com_virtuemart/plugins/currency_converter/ inside your Joomla! installation folder
Edit the file convertOPENEXCHANGERATES.php
Inside the file, edit the variables delimited by /********** OPTIONS START **********/ and /********** OPTIONS END **********/, do not edit anyhig beyond that delimiters!
var $extraCharge = 0.00; Muchas veces el valor devuelto por el servidor difiere un poco del valor local de los bancos, mediante esta opción usted puede adicionar el valor que desee al valor calculado, por ejemplo si el valor devuelto por el servidor es de $5.50 y el valor local del banco es de $5.80 usted debería configurar esta variable con un valor de $0.30
var $cache_time_update = 360; With this option you can indicate the cache lifetime in minutes. It defaults to 360 minutes (6 hours)
var $appId='5cb3b88febe34b98931ea80b95265565'; You must obtain your Open Exchange Rates App ID by registering for free at I include a personal App ID by default, but you MUST get yours for free or pay for an offered plan. Change the numbers and letters between single quotes.
OpenExchangeRates Currency For VirtueMart
- Version:
- 1.2.3
- Developer:
- MGS Creativa
- Last updated:
Apr 18 2024
10 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- e
- Compatibility:
- J3