XGallery, by Dana Harris - Joomla Extension Directory



XGallery is a component for Joomla that allows you to display a gallery on your website. Once installed go to XGallery, click on Parameters and save your configuration.

Features include but not limited to:
- Tableless CSS layout
- Multiple layout display options
- Customizable Templates
- Shadowbox animation or Gallerific Views
- Access Rights on Categories or Collections
- Watermark images embedded on the fly (no need to pre watermark)
- Ability to place watermark in different location on images
- Track hits on collections
- Simple interface for adding new categories or collections
- RSS Feed, all categories or single category
- Support for category and collection descriptions
- Ability to store images outside of document root (with XBox Media plugin).
- Upload single or multiple images
- Support for Description, Keywords, Author and Robot meta information on categories and collections
- Display image name when viewing collections

Support Modules
- modxgalleryfce: Display recent, popular, latest and random collections, either all or on a category basis
- modxgalleryjscroller: Displays recent, popular, latest and random collections, either all or on a category basis using the popular BXSlider api
- modxgallerycollection: XGallery Collection allows you to place a collection anywhere on your website.

Support Plugins
- plgxgallerysearch: Search plugin for XGallery

You will need to download XBox Shadowbox, Shadowbox Media Plugin from http://www.softforge.co.uk or another lightbox plugin/module that recognizes lightbox or shadowbox rel attribute in order to use the shadowbox view.
JQuery is also required for effects to work. Visit the help section on general use, and to get the full benefits of XGallery download the modules and plugin in the download section.

If you like this component please rate.
Please consider making a donation if you use this component for commercial use or are happy with your gallery.

Demo Sites
- http://www.eyenetdesigns.com - Main Site
- http://www.maesworld.com - Angular/Node/Joomla 3



By Dana Harris
Multimedia Players
XMovie is a component for Joomla that allows you to upload and display movies on your website. Once installed go to XMovie, click on Parameters and review and save your configuration. Features include but not limited to: * Tables CSS layout * Multiple layout display options * Views can be easily integrated into your template * Choice between Embedded and Shadowbox Views * Access Rights on Catego...


Dana Harris
Last updated:
Feb 10 2019
6 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p

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