PXLCompressor, by pixelstun.de - Joomla Extension Directory


Site Performance, Image Management, Images, Performance, Site speed

Image compression and thumbnail creation made simple

PXLCompressor is a free Joomla! plugin, which allows you to compress and resize every image uploaded with the media manager automatically. This is especially useful if the uploaded images are not preprocessed and allows you to speed up your website drastically.

- Automagically resize every image uploaded with the media manager component on the fly
- Improve page speed by decreasing file sizes
- Chose a scale method according to your needs (scale inside / outside / fit / fill)
- Set compression levels for png/jpeg files
- Supported file formats: JPG, PNG and GIF
- Create thumbnails
- Compress PDF files with iLovePDF API

Currently, the following image compression services are supported, but there might be more to come:

  • ReSmush.it: a free image optimization service with unlimited number of compression. It supports the most common file types like (PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP and TIF). However: The JImage class of Joomla! framework does not seem to support TIF, so compression of .tif files is currently not enabled. Only downside: the maximum size of a file is 5MB, but if you enable resizing, which is done before, it is very unlikely that you will ever reach this size
  • TinyPNG: the web service allows you to compress your PNG and JPG files. You can subscribe for a free plan enabling you to compress 500 images per month without any charges. Simply fill in your API key to get started.

If you enable both compression services and TinyPNG fails for any reason, ReSmush will be used as a fallback.
It is planned to support local compression using optipng/gifsicle/jpegoptim in later versions.

Special thanks to Viktor Vogel for creating the plugin EIR, from which I took larger parts of the code.

Malheureusement plus à jour

Posted on 08 November 2021
Cette application est juste parfaite pour l'optimisation des images sur Joomla, elle est même la seule à proposer Resmush it
Ease of use
Extrêmement simple à configurer et parfaitement fonctionnelle avec des extension tierces.
Malheureusement il n'y a plus de mise à jour notamment pour Joomla 4, c'est dommage je serais prêt à payer pour cette application !!
Tout est très bien expliqué c'est très simple à comprendre bravo
I used this to: Tout mes sites internet sur Joomla 3 j'aurais beaucoup aimé continuer à l'utiliser sur Joomla 4

Macht was es soll

Posted on 15 April 2019
Das Plugin macht genau das, wie beschrieben. Für meine Anwendung fehlt die Möglichkeit, bereits hochgeladene Bilder zu optimieren. Sonst top
Ease of use
Installieren, API eingeben und gut.
Works great
Ease of use
Very easy to install and configure. Just a few settings.
Excellent. Even feature requests and small bugs are solved quickly
No documentation needed.
I used this to: A community site where users can create articles on frontend and most of the time don't resize their images before uploading.
I love it
Ease of use
Very easy, straightforward
I used this to: I mainly use JPG and PNG pictures, but optimization of other file types also would be great (eg. GIF, etc.)
Функціональність достатня для використання!
Ease of use
Дуже простий та зручний в налаштуваннях!
Не користувався, бо він не потрібен!
Вся необхідна документація є в самому плагіні. (Нажаль тільки English version)
I used this to: I used the plugin on my site.


Last updated:
Jul 12 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Jun 27 2017
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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