Easy Image Rotator, by Daniel - Joomla Extension Directory


Image jQuery Slideshow, Image Scripts Slideshow, Image Modules, Photos & Images, Rotators

This extension allows you to specify a single image or a folder for each menu item and displays these images appear in the respective deposit module position.

There are two parts an component and module that will be delivered as installation package.

The component part allows you to define the image or directory and also an title- and layer-text according to your menu tree.

With the module you can display a single image or multiple images depending on the stored path for active menu item on one or more positions on the page the stored path could also be overridden in the module to display individual images.

With the module parameters you can set the following options:

  • Basic Options:
  • Use image directory fallback
  • Fitting Method
  • Width and Height of the area
  • Shuffle images

  • Overwrite ImagePath Options

  • Specific Image Folder (overwrite active menu path or image)

  • Slider Options:

  • Use Image Slider (Yes/No)
  • Corp images (Cropping of the images size to the area where individual images have different dimensions)
  • How long each slide will show
  • Slider Effect(s) (Random, Fold, Fade, Slidedown)
  • Animation speed
  • Number of images to display
  • Use title in alt- and title-attributes
  • Display HTML Caption Layer

If you have any further ideas or questions please do not hesitate to contact me on my blog.

Does everything I need. Almost... missing some options for a fluid layout.
Ease of use
Very easy to use...
OK... some fields are not immediately obvious, but I got it working in the end ;-)
I used this to: A simple website for an association (with a customized protostar template).

Very nice

Posted on 15 March 2016
When click on the image, it would be open original image in Slimbox.
Ease of use
2 minutes fork working module.
Very simple - no need for documentation, all is clear.
Nice image formatting and easy to assign images from any subfolder. Great job Daniel and thanks for making this available.
Easy to use. Not conflict. And the best ... allows images according to the menu where you are. Thank you for this work.
Owner's reply: Thank you for the 1st. Review.

Kind Regards
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Easy Image Rotator

Last updated:
Jul 07 2024
8 months ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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