J Domain Search, by Md. Shaon Bahadur - Joomla Extension Directory


Domain Search

You can search any domain name with combination of up to 65 different TLDS. This extension comes with a plugin and module to show domain search bar on any page or module position on you site. Module/Plugin settings page has option to turn on/off different TLDs, it also has option to change color, text and placeholder text. You can turn on/off GoDaddy, Google, Namecheap and Bluehost checkout links from module/plugin settings.

Result page will show you possible availability of your entered domain with chosen different TLDs. Result shows different domains through Ajax, so page refresh doesn't happen. Plugin has a short code {jdsearch/} to show this search bar on any content page.

You will get a zip package, in which you will get joomla 3 and joomla 4 compatiable Module and Plugin of J Domain Search.


  • Search domain with your chosen TLDs.
  • Purchase links from GoDaddy, Namecheap, Bluehost and Google domains in search results.
  • Plugin/Module parameters option to turn different TLDs On/Off.
  • Responsive Layout.
  • Plugin/Module Parameters has option to turn On/Off different purchase links.
Can you remove the GoDaddy in the result panel
Ease of use
Very good
Very good
Value for money
Very good
I used this to: Latest version
Allows visitors to check if their domain is available through an easier to use search function.
Ease of use
Very simple and easy to use! Just type your domain and search...
Top level support! I asked J-Download to customize the extension to include searching .co.za domains and they did in for me in a day!
Email any support queries to J-Download and they will get back to you in a snap. Documentation available on their website.
Value for money
For the level of service and support, definitely worth it.
I used this to: visitors to check if their domain is available.
Checked on the availability of specific domain names I’d looked at for new sites. Found many options (50+) I hadn't even considered.
Ease of use
Prepare a list of the words / ideas for the domain you want and you'll find out within 10 seconds what is and what isn't available.
Sent a question I'd had in to them and received a reply within a day that helped me understand things.
Everything is written online and is super simple to understand.
Value for money
For anyone looking to quickly and easily find a specific domain name they're interested in, this is totally worth the small investment.
I used this to: Setting up new blog sites around several content categories.

Very useful extension

Posted on 23 December 2014
This extension came in very handy when trying to setup my new blog site. It's easy to find out if a specific website is available.
Ease of use
Straightforward ease of use and doesn't require much technical skills if any.
Has enough support in case if you need it.
Instructions found online.
Value for money
Extension offers great value for the money.
I used this to: Finding available websites.
J Facebook Like Box
Paid download

J Facebook Like Box

By Md. Shaon Bahadur
Social Display
J Facebook like box display Facebook feed on a slide up window from either bottom left or bottom right position. From plugin setting page, you can customize its style, width and much more. Also on close button click, it will not show that window repeatedly, cookie duration can be set from plugin settings page. Features - Facebook page feed display. - Width, Height, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Sl...

J Domain Search

Md. Shaon Bahadur
Last updated:
Jun 21 2022
2 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
m p
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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