googleSearch (CSE) component, by kksou - Joomla Extension Directory


Web Search

This component allows you to add Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE) Search to your Joomla site using the latest Google CSE API.

The search results are displayed right inside your Joomla page!

No more popup page. No more diversion to other pages.

The googleSearch (CSE) Module

Note that there is an accompanying googleSearch (CSE) Module that allows you to add a Google search form as a module. This means that you can place the search form in any module position you like. The Google Search Result will be displayed by this component.

Latest Version

v3.0.7 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Dec 23, 2016
Support for https - resolved one more Mixed Content warning in the "Powered by Google" image
Changed the installation method to "Upgrade" so that you now do not need to uninstall before installing the new version.

v3.0.6 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Dec 14, 2016
Added new parameter: usehttps. Set this to "Yes" if your site is using https. Default is "No". This resolves the mixed content warning if you are using SSL certificate for your site - "Mixed Content: The page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=...'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
Added new parameter: open
linkinsame_window. Set this to "Yes" if you want links to open in the same window. Default is "Yes". If set to "No", links will open in a new window.

v3.0.5 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Sep 8, 2016
Support for PHP7

v3.0.4 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Sep 15, 2015
This latest version resolves potential Cross Site Scripting.
If you are using this component (any versions, including Joomla 1,0, 1,5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.6 and 3.0 and abvoe), please MAKE SURE you update to the latest version.

v3.0.3 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Sep 10, 2015
Support for the latest Joomla 3.4.4!

v3.0.2 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Feb 14, 2015
Support for the latest Joomla 3.3.6!

v1.6 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.5 (for Joomla 2.5)
Released March 15, 2012

Native version of the googleSearch (CSE) component for Joomla 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5!

Live Demo

Please click on the demo link above. You can try keywords such as "menu", "joomla", "treeview", etc.

Running googleSearch with sh404SEF

If you are using the googleSearch component together with sh404SEF:
1. Go to sh404SEF Configuration.
2. Click the "By Component" tab.
3. Look for the component "googleSearch(CSE)", and set the first column as "skip".
4. Don't forget to click "Save".

Please also make sure you read the following article:
Running googleSearch with sh404SEF: fixing the error 'JFolder::folder: Path is not a folder: /language'

The components functionality is great. You can not only search in your own site but also include several others without sharing databases.
Ease of use
Easy to install and configure. You will need an CSE ID from Google but the module provides a link to documentation.
Very fast. Google has moved a file. After submitting a question I received an update within half an hour! Great work!
Documentation explains even how to customize the CSS to blend in the module!
I used this to: My website www.hobbykwekers.nl, the site has more than 2000 pages and over 800.000 visitor per year...Joomla smart search is too heavy so this component really helps in lowering my page loading times. Got it down to around 0.5 / 0.6 seconds now.

Nice search

Posted on 30 August 2015
Functionality is fine
Ease of use
Issue with the module not included in the download (they shoudl be packaged together or at least a link to the module on the JED)
Docs didn't mention needing to download the module separately; suggest the module be listed on the JED.
It's my favorite search component. It worked fine with j 2.5 but it's not supported to j 3.x and @ present its bit out dated. If updated and developed for joomla 3 it con't get below 5 star....

Outdated Google code

Posted on 27 September 2013
Good original extension - needs to be updated for new version of google CSS - old version used ifame - it now requires a css block - see CSE control panel

Good work

Posted on 14 April 2013
This one is a grate component for onewho want the search result to be displayed inside the site

One downside is it is not capable with J3

3 Google

Posted on 22 March 2012
Installed both the Google Search Component and the Module without a hitch in Joomla 2.5.3


Excellent Tool

Posted on 24 March 2011
I've used this tool over a good period of time and highly recommend it.

This component is exactly what i need: good customization capabilities, usage of the new Google CSE API, perfect integration in the site and the search field.
googleMaps by kksou

googleMaps by kksou

By kksou
Maps & Locations
This plugin allows you to include one or more google maps right inside your content item or article. This is a very light-weight and easy-to-use plugin for displaying googleMaps right inside your Joomla article. You can use this to easily add a map to your company address. Unique features: * uses Google Maps API V3 * You can embed more than one Google Maps within an article * Each G...


By kksou
Maps & Locations
This is an easy-to-use and light-weight plugin that allows you to include one or more driving or walking directions provided by Google Maps right inside your content item or article. If you need to display driving or walking directions to your company, or from one place to another, this is the plugin. If you only want to display a Google Map, use the googleMaps plugin: http://extensions.joomla.o...
To Here for googleDirections

To Here for googleDirections

By kksou
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This plugin is an easy-to-use and light-weight plugin for displaying Google directions from user-specified address to your designated place (e.g. your company or office). You specify a designated place to be the destination, and let the user enter the address he or she is coming from. Google will then provide the driving or walking directions from the user-specified address to your designated pla...

googleSearch (CSE) component

Last updated:
Dec 23 2016
8 years ago
Date added:
Jan 15 2009
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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