BGitHub Feed, by B Tasker - Joomla Extension Directory


Social Web, Social Display

Mod_BGithub is a simple module allowing you to embed commit details in a Joomla site. It uses the GitHub API to retrieve repository information including commits and issues. It can also retrieve user information and display a (very) basic user profile, including a list of the user's public repositories.

The module supports both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 and allows for filtering of all displayed information.

There are three pre-configured styles: Chromed, Light and Dark. The latter two are very simple but provide a good starting point for those who want to style the module themselves.

Please Note: By default, the module includes a link back to my site, however this can be switched off under Basic Options in the module configuration


  • All layouts can be loaded individually, or all-in-one
  • 3 Preconfigured CSS styles
  • Limit displayed entries
  • Customisable date display format


  • Display of a commit authors Gravatar
  • Link back to the commit and the code tree
  • Link back to Commit author's profile
  • Displays the commit comment


  • Overview of issue displayed in a tooltip
  • Issue label (bug/enhancement etc displayed)
  • Link back to author's GitHub profile
  • Filtering by issue status (Can display all issues, open issue or closed issues)
  • Issue status displayed in front-end


  • Display user's Gravatar
  • Link back to user's blog
  • Display a link of the users repositories (including the primary language)
  • Exclude Repos by name
Ping Search Engines on Sitemap Update
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Ping Search Engines on Sitemap Update

By B Tasker
Site Map
This plugin runs when content is added (or optionally, modified). Following a successful save, the plugin will send a message to various search engines informing them that your sitemap has been updated and should be refreshed. This should lead to your new content being crawled sooner than if you'd just waited....
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Google Plus Feed

By B Tasker
Social Presence
Mod_GoogPlusFeed is a simple module designed to embed posts made to your Google+ profile into a Joomla! site. It can also display posts within a specific Google Community, simply specify the numeric Community ID instead of a User ID. It currently supports 'Post' and 'Share' types of submission to Google+, all others are ignored. The most recent (public) posts you made to Google Plus are embedd...
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By B Tasker
Social Display
New in V2: Support for the new Twitter API BTwitter is, by design, an incredibly simple Twitter feed module. I grew tired of trying to find a Joomla 2.5 compatible module that met the following requirements Doesn't slow page loads Doesn't contain heaps of un-necessary chrome Simply displays a users timeline, linking to all URL's, users and hashtags BTwitter also implements the following in ad...


By B Tasker
Alerts & Awareness
LivingStreets is a national (UK) charity that "stands up for pedestrians", working to create safe attractive and enjoyable streets. This module interfaces with the Living Streets Site to capture walking statistics for display on a Joomla website. Stats for individuals are not currently available, though they are planned for a future release. All that's required is to set your Company name as it...
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By B Tasker
Cookie Control
Mod_yourData is a simple module designed to show visitors exactly what data your Joomla! 2.5 or 3.x site is storing in their browser. It can be assigned to a custom module position and embedded into your privacy policy using loadposition, or used as you would any other Joomla! module. The module includes support for displaying the name and value of Cookies Session Storage Objects Locally Store...
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By B Tasker
Mass Content
CatImplode is a Joomla module designed to display all articles within a com_content category as one indexed article. It was designed to increase the manageability of API documentation, as it allows each section to be maintained as a separate article (with the added benefit that users can choose to view a specific section, or the entire documentation). The basic feature list is Auto creation of...

BGitHub Feed

B Tasker
Last updated:
Nov 19 2014
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
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This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System