BW Social Share, by Bernhard Woehrlin - Joomla Extension Directory


Google Share, Twitter share, Facebook Share, Social Share

NetzSinn Social Share (aka BW Social Share) is an easy to setup and customize social share buttons Joomla Module - ready to use in responsive layouts.
It uses the "Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons" jQuery library by Kurt Noble http://kurtnoble.com/labs/rrssb/ (MIT Licensce).

With this extension you'll get the following benefits:
- Awesome looking Social Buttons
- Ready for Responsive Layout
- Easy to setup
- Numerous Social Share Services supported (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more)
- Even Buttons for print, Whatsapp and Email
- Each Social Service is optional
- Configurable Buttons
- Configurable Social data, like title, description, image, author and path
- If no Social data provided, it grabs it from Meta title, Meta description
- Optional: Adds Google Universal Tracking Coder like this: onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'socialshare', 'click', 'facebook');"

Use Cases
- Add Social Share buttons to a single page - with individual settings
- Assign Social Share buttons to a group of pages - with same settings for all pages - or let the module automatically grab the meta title and meta description of an individual page.

System Requirements
- Joomla! 3.9; should work as well with all Joomla! 3.x versions
- jQuery enabled

Social Services included

Currently the following Social Web Services are included. You may configure the Button text (but not the social icon):
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Pinterest
- Email
- Print
- LinkedIn
- Whatsapp

These are included but not yet fully tested:
- BlueSky
- Mastodon
- Tumblr
- Reddit
- vk
- Hackernews
- Pocket
- Youtube
- Telegram

Very good

Posted on 04 March 2025
A fantastic extension that brings a wealth of social sharing features to your website.
Ease of use
Incredibly user-friendly, with a straightforward setup and intuitive customization options, making it accessible for all users.
I used this to: Showing the social feeds from facebook, instangram and x. I did not so far used it for other platforms.
The module works correctly and allows you to create sharing links to all social networks
Ease of use
The module is easy to set up. With just a few clicks, links to social networks are immediately created
The support is very efficient. I contacted them to resolve a problem and they immediately responded
The documentation is clear and comprehensive and allows you to easily configure the module
I used this to: I insert the module on my websites to allow users to share web pages
Really easy to configure and has a flexible module menu. No problems.
Ease of use
Just position it in a module location, depending on template. It's easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.
Going to use it in a few minutes for a very minor issue that I can't fix myself.
If you've used other Joomla modules and extension the interface is familiar.
I used this to: All of my sites use this module to help gain viewers. I'm using version 1.5.5 and have used it on Joomla 4 and 5 with no problems, but I may be due for an upgrade.

Great Module

Posted on 17 October 2023
It's one of the best social share module but unfortunately in PHP8.1.x it gives two errors above the player and I don't know how to fix it
Ease of use
Very easy to use. The module has a simple design and therefore you can set it up without any problems
I can't get in touch with the developer. I did send a couple of emails but no anwer from Bernhard.
Maybe he wil read this ;-)
Never read it because it is so easy to use. It is there but I did not use it untill now
I used this to: I use this module on almost every website I create. It's free and works great
Owner's reply: Hi Theo,
I got your email and sent you yesterday 17.10.2023.10.17 at 14:37 CET a response mail with a new beta version. Please check your Spam folder.
Kind regards, Bernhard


Posted on 04 March 2021
There's a huge range of available platforms already built in. This is the simplest way to encourage users to share your pages. A must have!
Ease of use
Couldn't be easier. Install, publish, choose the platforms. Boom! Done.
Excellent. Bear in mind that this is a free extension, but I have had better support for this than some paid extensions!
So simple, that it's not needed. And support is very responsive.
I used this to: I've used this on multiple sites and it has quickly become a "must install up front" on every new site. It's very functional, looks great, and is easy to use. AND IT'S FREE!!! Grab it before the developer realizes what a goldmine it is!

nice and easy!

Posted on 23 August 2020
Does what was needed (show configurable Social Share buttons in a neat and responsive way).
Ease of use
Very easy to install and setup, not too many options (appreciated).
Very nice and prompt support by email. Some quick back and forth to solve a caching issue. Thank you, Bernhard! ?
It took me a while (and Bernhards support) to find out that I have to switch off caching in the module, could be mentioned in documentation
I used this to: what it was designed for: share my content in social networks! Makes it very easy to spread my articles on different social natworks. Will see, if my users will do that too.
Owner's reply: Thanks Stefan :-)
A hint on how to deal with Cache issues is already added to the documentation.
You can use included social sharing sources very easily. I first tested and didn't find any bug.
Ease of use
I Could not imagine easier than that. Just done it with a couple of simple clicks.
Because it is so easy, you almost don't need any support. But Bernhard Woehrlin responds to your commends as soon as possible on his website
Although there is a well explained documentation on the website, because it is so easy, you almost don't need any.
I used this to: I used this for a couple of sites letting people share the current page. The only thing to decide for you is the position of the module.

Very good

Posted on 19 July 2018
Simple to use, this can be a default feature of joomla :)
Ease of use
very easy
Ease of use
All I needed.
Ease of use
Very easy to use.
Very responsive and helpful.
NetzSinn Custom Fields Filter

NetzSinn Custom Fields Filter

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Custom Fields
System Plugin to filter Joomla 4 Category Blog Articles by Custom Fields. You can specify up to three custom fields that will be used to filter an existing category blog result. The Plugin takes effect on a one or more URL(s) you may define. With this extension you'll get the following benefits: Simple to install. Filter applies to URLs. Define multiple filters. Up to 3 Custom Fields can be def...
NetzSinn Address2Coordinates

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NetzSinn Custom Fields Radius Search

NetzSinn Custom Fields Radius Search

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Custom Fields
System Plugin to do a radius search on Joomla 4 Category Blog Articles with Custom Fields containing Latitude and Longitude values. In addition to that you may define up to 3 Custom Fields on which the Plugin will filter the result as well. The Plugin takes effect on one or more URLs you define. With this extension, you'll get the following benefits: Radius Search applies to URLs. Define multip...

BW Social Share

1.5.5 (J3), 2.1.0 (J4), 3.5.1 (J4, J5)
Bernhard Woehrlin
Last updated:
Mar 06 2025
1 week ago
Date added:
May 15 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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