Master-League Sports Prediction Game, by MultiHosting - Joomla Extension Directory


Sports & Games, Games

Fun game for predicting scores of matches and competing other users on the league. Various versions, many addons included, like champions leagues addon, promotion/relegation system, top rated players etc.

Component Feature List
* Multiple seasons.
* Multiple leagues.
* Optional Champions Leagues addon (paid version) where the first 16 or 32 players of your league can participate in a champions league game with groups and then knok-out matches.
* Unlimited leagues can be created with a promotion-relegation system between leagues. For example, you can have PremierLeague, then Championship etc The promotion/relegation can be done mannually by the admin, at any given time, for example each 10 matchdays.
* User friendly for the administrator to add seasons, teams, games, results.
* Admin has the option to choose the desired scoring system.
* Admin has the option to choose points for a correct result prediction.
* Admin has the option to choose points for a correct score prediction.
* Admin has the option to choose negative points for a false result prediction.
* Admin has the option to choose seasons.
* Easy team import.
* Easy result import.
* Easy matches edit.

Available Modules for Joomla 2.5 & 3.0

  1. Top Rated Players
    The module shows a list of players (users) with the top rate. The rate comes out of a calculation between points in standings and matches played by the user.

  2. Top Season Players.
    The module shows the top players of the season.

  3. Best players at the moment
    The module shows the best users during the last 6 matchdays/weeks.

PS. Various free or paid addons included, like champions league addon for top league users of each season, promotion/relegation system e.t.c

Check it out at u7buy

Posted on 02 January 2024
Exciting game for predicting match scores and league competition! Various versions, addons like Champions League. Check it out at u7buy!
Ease of use
Exciting game for predicting match scores and league competition! Various versions, addons like Champions League. Check it out at u7buy!
Exciting game for predicting match scores and league competition! Various versions, addons like Champions League. Check it out at u7buy!
Exciting game for predicting match scores and league competition! Various versions, addons like Champions League. Check it out at u7buy!
I used this to: Exciting game for predicting match scores and league competition! Various versions, addons like Champions League. Check it out at u7buy!


Posted on 11 December 2015
Excelente componente, simples, ágil e promete o que anuncia.
Ease of use
Mais simples impossível! Em 2 min tinha configurado partidas de exemplo.
I used this to: Uso para sites de futebol, mais precisamente para bolões.

Excellent product

Posted on 20 September 2015
A users' championship on scores prediction. Best I could find for Joomla.
Ease of use
Very easy as described in the documentation. Some trouble with the championship mode but support made everything clear.
Great support. Addressed every point(as I had many).
Available online, plus support forums.
I used this to: Almost a month.


Posted on 28 August 2014
Excellent product which does what it says. Superquick support even for a free version. Highly recommend for everyone
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Master-League Sports Prediction Game

Last updated:
Sep 09 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m

Uses Joomla! Update System


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