Responsive multi purpose flyout menu. The Canvas sidebar add some unexpected and stylish moves to a design. Different layouts and synced transitions of the menu and the page can make everything look more interesting. A mobile friendly touch Swipeable Menu.
New in version 2.4:
- Fixed minor bugs...
New in version 2.3.2:
- Fixed minor bugs...
New in version 2.3.1:
- Added option to disable
- Add to Joomla Update System
- Fixed minor bugs...
New in version 2.2:
- Improvement Swipe - A To open or close the menu, you can swipe your finger on the screen.
- Added content push - When opening a menu, the whole navigation pushes the content more.
- Support JoomShoping categories (with images)
- Optimized and improved code
- Fixed minor bugs...
New in version 2:
- Add 'Swipe style' - Allows you to reveal and hide the side menu with touch swipe events
- Added to translation
- Fixed minor bugs...
- Joomla! 2.5, 3.x Native
- Browser Compatible: all modern Browsers
- Support all mobile and tablet devices
- Choice side menu (left or right)
- Select the menu
- Support VirtueMart 3 categories (with images)
- Multi-level & multi-columns
- 4 animated style menu
- The ability to use Google fonts, there is more than 650 font families
- Unlimited number of levels (submenu)
- Option to controls color background menu
- Option to controls color font menu
- Very flexible and easy to use
- And more..
Za Canvas Menu
- Version:
- 2.4
- Developer:
- Za studio
- Last updated:
Sep 03 2021
3 years ago - Date added:
- Feb 08 2016
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3