Accessibility Enabler, by HikeOrders - Joomla Extension Directory


Style & Design, Accessibility, Design

Accessibility Enabler is the accessibility software that helps your visitors to personalize the site based on their needs. On the other hand, it helps you (the website owners) to increase website accessibility compliance.

It provides more than 30+ accessibility tools that your visitors can apply on any page of the website. It makes consuming and navigating your website at ease for people with dyslexia and other disabilities.

We Are The Accessibility Experts You Always Wanted

That was us humbly pointing out a mere fact that we hear from our clients, most often. Woot!

Accessibility Enabler is a boutique of accessibility tools. It helps people with disabilities to consume and navigate site content in an efficient way. This app makes your site accessible for everyone, which indeed increase sales and conversion.

Accessibility Is Not Just For Handicap

Opposite of the above statement is a well-known assumption that we all have. Oops! Our common sense is wrong this time. The fact is, every human has disabilities caused by aging, accidents, or by birth. It may range from visual impairment, mobility impairment, reading impairment, blindness, and deafness.

How It works

After installation, any visitor on the site can see an accessibility toolbar and change the setting as required for them.

Top Features

  • Accessibility toolbar that increases website engagement
  • Breakthrough design for mobile and desktop
  • Powerful present to adjust page quickly
  • Customizable accessibility widget
  • GDPR Compliant and ready for Europe
  • Accessibility Statement, Badge, and Certificate
  • Multiple language support
  • Scroll to top floating button


Installation takes less than 3 minutes. All it needs is a single line of javascript code to be added to your website. This plugin will helps you to do the same without you having to write codes.

Benefits We Deliver

Contributes To Your Sales & Conversion

That’s right. Having an accessible website increase sales. Today, you are losing visitors because your website is not best suited for people with accessibility needs.

Every website has at least 25% of its total traffic coming from people with one or more disabilities. This traffic is significantly large enough – you can’t choose to ignore it.

Accessibility Enabler helps to address the need for a differently-abled population to navigate and consume the content.

Increase Compliance With Accessibility Regulations

Have you heard of UNCRPD, WCAG 2.0, EU 2016/2102, ATAG 2.0, ADA, Section 5o ?. You have guessed it right. All these are various accessibility regulations in different countries.

Accessibility Enabler helps to make your site more compliant with the accessibility regulations of your country.

Increase Brand Value & Showcase Social Responsibility

Accessibility creates a positive experience with your brand and turns customers into brand advocates - researchers say.

Accessibility Enabler instantly boosts your word-of-mouth marketing by making your website more accessible for everyone.


Our pricing is simple & yet scales with your growth

הרחבת הנגישות היא הרחבה טובה ויעילה ופתרון שנון באמת למשתמשי האתר עם מוגבלויות שונות, פתרון מצוין לכל פלטפורמות ההדדיות בכל השפות.
Ease of use
הרחבה קלה ופשוטה מאוד לשימוש, בהחלט עוזרת בנושא הנגישות של גולשי האתר התקשים לקרא ולראות את המרכיבים של האתר
Value for money
אין ספק שההרחבה שווה את התשלום ומשמשת את הגולשים באתר הלוקים בקשיים שונים
I used this to: ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ???
Είναι πολύ λειτουργικό με άπειρες δυνατότητες, το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
Ease of use
Πολύ εύκολο στην χρήση και πολύ εύκολη εγκατάσταση. Το μενού πολύ εύκολο και λειτουργικό και είναι σχεδόν όλα παραμετροποιήσιμα.
Η τεχνική υποστήριξη σε ότι χρειάστηκα ήταν άμεση και πολύ ανώτερη του αναμενόμενου.
Value for money
Αξίζει τα λεφτά του μιας και οι παροχές είναι πάρα πολλές και το εύρος δυνατοτήτων ακόμη μεγαλύτερο.
I used this to: ?? ????????????? ????? ???? ?? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ?? ?? ???????.
Moduł udostępnia możliwość wyboru różnego rodzaju dostosowania wyglądu witryny, aby była bardziej czytelna dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami
Ease of use
Bardzo łatwy w instalowaniu i prosty w konfiguracji. Zajęło to tylko kilka minut. Jest bardzo prosty w obsłudze.
Bardzo dobry kontakt mailowy, szybka reakcja na prośbę o przedłużenie okresu testowego. Nie potrzebowałam wsparcia technicznego.
Każdy z użytkowników ma dostęp do Podręcznika instalacji modułu dostępności. W sposób jasny i obrazowy przedstawiona jak zainstalować moduł.
Value for money
3 dniowy okres testowy, który można przedłużyć do 5, rozpoczynam korzystanie z modułu dostępności i zamierzam wybrać rozliczanie miesięczne.
I used this to: uatrakcyjnienia swojej strony poprzez zaoferowanie osobom z niepe?nosprawno?ci? dostosowania wygl?du witryny tak, aby by?a bardziej dla nich czytelna. Zwi?kszenia zgodno?? mojej strony z wymaganiami ustawy o dost?pno?ci cyfrowej stron internetowych i aplikacji mobilnych

Excellent extension

Posted on 01 February 2021
This does EVERYTHING I ever wanted, and more! To the best of my knowledge, it offers the most options.
Ease of use
Very easy to use, and great documentation. Visitors can very easily apply to the client side.
1st class, and quick! He responds to emails quickly, resolving the issue very quickly.
Great documentation. Most often find what I'm looking for. Very light control panel, everything is clear.
Value for money
Value for money is super. There are several plans available, depending on the number of visitors.
I used this to: I use this for several websites. It has been running smoothly for 1 year, there was no problem.
This app is really functional and works great. It has all the plugins needed for one affordable website
Ease of use
The app is super easy to handle and set up. In just a few clicks you get everything you need. Excellent application backend and personal
So far I have not needed any technical support.I sent some suggestions for which I received an instant response from the support team.
The documentation is very detailed in case you need to check something or see how it works. The FAK section is verry good..
Value for money
The value of the money invested that I paid for the appropriate package is correct.
I used this to: I use the app for the websites of my public administration clients for whom I work as a webmaster.
lot of useful functions integrated in one tool makes your site smart. Not overloaded with many buttons for color, font size, font type, etc.
Ease of use
installation process is not like most of extensions you use, because you need to register at developer's site and get a code for your plugin
because of intuitive usage, documentation is not needed. But with a rough overview I see that all further information are available
Value for money
Having it for free would be better, but the tool is worth to pay for it. Monthly rate depends on site visitors. That's ok for smaller sites
I used this to: I use it for a commune / energy supplier site. This tool helps to fulfill legal requirements (I only know german requirements). Only thong I miss is the integration of a screen reader. Rest is perfect for my needs.

Super narzędzie

Posted on 04 September 2020
Narzędzie zapewnia wszystkie konieczne ułatwienia WCAG 2.0 takie jak powiększenie/zmniejszenie tekstu, kontrasty, zmianę czcionki, tła stron
Ease of use
Narzędzie jest bardzo łatwe w obsłudze i konfiguracji. Narzędzie jest oparte o zewnętrzny silnik i serwer stąd nie popsuje naszej strony
Value for money
Cena nie jest mała za to narzędzie bo zaczyna się od 5$/miesiąc i zależy od ilości wyświetleń, ale warta swych pieniędzy
I used this to: Narz?dzie u?y?em do dostosowania strony do wymogów WCAG 2.0 - tak aby stron? mogli odwiedza? wszyscy.
Full Trust

Full Trust

By HikeOrders
Ratings & Reviews
Introduction These days website visitors are constantly switching browser tabs. They have a limited attention span. They don't have time to find trust signals that are spread all over your website. You should help them to gain 360-degree confidence in your business. Presenting all trust factors in a single place helps to increase brand value and skyrocket sales. Make it easy to pick trust signal...
Geo Deals

Geo Deals

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Helps to give away the right discount offers to every visitor via a banner and discount widget Geo Deals helps to maximizes your revenue at the same time keeps your customer acquisition cost low. The discount rule engine helps to optimize the discounts as per your business requirements . It also helps to promote deals , schedule sales and give away daily deals on your store. Geo Deals support m...

Accessibility Enabler

Last updated:
Nov 29 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Mar 03 2019
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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