Different versions for Joomla 3, 4 and 5 are available here: Check the mentioned target platforms there!
Hyphenation for browsers that do NOT support CSS property "hyphens" or languages you selected in this plugin. Uses the Javaacript library Hyphenopoly.js.
One can configure several CSS selectors for starting hyphenation or stopping it. Thus you don't need to enter the normally used selectors hyphenate and donthyphenate inside template overrides or elsewhere in your HTML source code.
Based upon JavaScript library of Mathias Nater.Hyphenopoly.js**. See:
The JS library checks first if the browser needs a helping hand for hyphenation. Only if yes the needed language patterns and an additional JS file will be loaded.
The whole documentation is integrated in the plugin settings (DE and EN). Install plugin and read.
Use the support link to ask questions. Report bugs in english or german. Or via email: See