Equalheights, by Digital Disseny - Joomla Extension Directory



Equalheights is a plugin to equalize the height of objects based on a shared CSS class. It uses jQuery.

This plugin will calculate the maximum item height of all the items sharing a css class and assign his height to all the items.This way al items will have the same maximum height.

The best tool to keep your box listings homogeneous and avoid ugly float left issues when elements have different sizes.

This plugin is also responsive. You can configure the plugin to recalculate items heights every time that window resizes.

Available in the following languages:
- English
- German (thanks to Johannes Hock!)

Simple to install and fix heights in seconds.
Ease of use
Simple and save me so much time.
The review stating a required . before the class suffix in plugin while space before class suffix in module was all I needed.
I used this to: 3 modules side by side as footer boxes with different amounts of info/heights.


Posted on 27 February 2016
Easy to use
Ease of use
not needed
I used this to: I use this plugin to align DIV blocks in height which are formed automatically. And I specifically registered here to say thank you for this plugin ))

Neat plugin

Posted on 21 October 2015
Very easy to install.
Ease of use
I had difficulty identifying which CSS classes, but a quick email to the developer had the answer.
Great support
Good once you figure it out
Ease of use
Good once you figure it out
I used this to: I equalized boxes across the bottom. In the plugin you need to specify your class as . - not the period first. In the module you need to insert that name WITHOUT the period, but with a space first in module suffix class. Then it works fine.
This does what it says, once you understand how it works. Quite simple then.
Ease of use
Once you understand it
Not adequate if you don't understand CSS. Simple if you do.

Absolutely necessary

Posted on 26 May 2015
Equalheights equalizes any webpages parts and modules. It's very useful to get a clean rendering. Many thanks!
Ease of use
Easy to use as soon as you can identify the relevant CSS classes.
I used this to: I use this all the time, for desktop and mobile layouts.

GREAT Plugin!

Posted on 25 October 2013
Works flawlessly- thank you! I was very dismayed with the difference in height in my frontpage modules when displaying article intro text of varied word length. This completely fixed the problem!

Works Great

Posted on 02 June 2013
I needed to equalize the height of 3 columns in Joomla. I'm so happy to have found this plugin. After installing and adding my .class div to its parameters, it was almost there! I just had to add an overflow:hidden to my css to complete the install.
I am using this plugin in K2's items category view to make all items have the same height.

Thank you! It is a life saver.
It can be used on so manu elements of the site. Equal height for titles, articles, modules ... Everything is now in nice order on my site.

Thank you.
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Digital Disseny
Last updated:
Nov 19 2014
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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