CCC Twoclick, by coolcat-creations - Joomla Extension Directory


Popups & iFrames, Social Comments, Social Display, Social Media

This module reveals an external iframe only after user click. (2-Click Solution) to respect the privacy of the user.


This could be an iframe of a Facebook Like Box, a Facebook Comment Box, a Youtube Video or whatever.
Due to EU privacy law it might be obligatory to let the user decide if an external iframe is loaded or not.

In this module you can setup a specific iframe source and load it only,
when the user gives the permission by clicking a button.

Available Settings

Content before click

Background Image: Set up a Background Image that is shown, before the iframe is loaded.
(That can be a blurry picture of the content that has to be revealed.)

Backgroundsize: Select the Background Size Property (Auto, Cover or Contain)

Content: You can add text here that will be shown below the image before the iframe is revealed.
(That can be an information like: "We respect your privacy, to reveal the Facebook Comment box click the button below")

Custom Button Text: The default button text is setup in the language file, if you want to use your custom language key or string just fill this input with your custom text.

Button Class: Add here a Button Class if needed

Content after click:

Custom Button Text: The default button text is setup in the language file, if you want to use your custom language key or string just fill this input with your custom text.

Button Class: Add here a Button Class if needed

Iframe Settings:

IFrame Source: Fill this input with the iframe link

Width: Set the iframe width here in px or %
Height: Set the iframe height here in px or %
(mind that the Facebook iframes have specific min/max sizes)

Frameborder: Setup the Frameborder of the iframe
Allow Fullscreen: Setup the fullscreen attribute to true or false
Allow Transparency: Setup the transparency attribute to true or false
Scrolling: Setup the scrolling attribute to yes or no
Load module css: Disable the Module CSS if needed

Works perfectly, two or three minutes to insert the parameters and it was running on the website.
Ease of use
Dead simple! Installed itself in seconds, all I needed to do was enable it.
Not needed : see ease of use / functionality
Not needed : see ease of use / functionality
I used this to: Displaying a video which was originally in an iframe. I used "modules anywhere" to embed in an article, adjusting the background image and size in the Twoclick parameters.

Lots more features to explore and possibilities for use. Many thanks.
Address Complete

Address Complete

By coolcat-creations
Custom Fields
This custom field shows a simple textbox with an Algolia address autocomplete dropdown....

CCC Twoclick

Last updated:
Jun 28 2018
6 years ago
Date added:
Oct 14 2017
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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